The Leftists Plan To Crash The Trump Economy

The 2.7s are way more solid than the 3.5s for the most part. They still suffer some cam phaser issues but it’s nowhere near as prevalent as it is in the 3.5s. We just did cam phasers on two Expeditions with 3.5s. In our parts system we actually have a kit pre assembled for the whole job with or without timing replacement it’s such a common issue on them. The 10R80 is hit or miss is what I’ve seen so far. Sometimes you get amazing life out of them; we had a Mustang come in with 150,000 miles on it already and everything on the outside of the trans looked stock (it had grenaded its differential instead). But we have done a few in the trucks and the Expeditions. It’s usually the valve body drum that seems to give problems out of them. You would notice it if it had that problem. They shift really weird when that happens; it’s not a slip it’s more like a bad shudder between gear changes.

Still, I think it’s better than the GM trucks grenading their camshafts in 30,000 miles or less. Or the Hemis that dropped lifters at the slightest provocation.

Anyone who wants a bad economy to give them an advantage in the next election is an idiot.


and a zealot. remember bill maher said hd hopes the economy crashes so trump looks bad

another rat faced leftist ass who cares more about his personal politics than people suffering

what’s new ya know?

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Are you ready? Here’s the headline;

Leftists Pledge to Load Up on Supplies Before Biden Leaves Office, Buy Nothing ‘for the Next Four Years’ to Tank Trump Economy

Prices are going to come down…considerably. Prices went COVID and are slowly coming back down to the competitive market but we have a long way to go. They are punishing themselves but don’t know it yet.

It’s not the growing journalism that’s a problem. That’s amazing

It’s not information capitalism. That’s great too

It’s how people process information.

Oh, so they are going to stockpile 4 years of food, and live on that while Trump is president.

I wish them good luck with that strategy. :rofl:


The “news” is broken beyond repair.


“Prices went covid” which happened under Trump. Its refreshing that a Trump supporter admits he was responsible for high prices.
What will he do differently to bring prices down this time.

Trump gave you constipation too, didn’t he?

Yall gonna be blaming him for ■■■■ 40 years from now.



you can only present the facts. what people do from then on is up to them

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Yeah, I don’t see that happening. For one thing none of them have to room to do that. They have no idea how much food that is, and the little snowflakes sure as hell aren’t living on SPAM. Second, they don’t have that kind of money. Third, they can’t go 15 seconds without needing a Starbucks fix or calling door dash.


Absolutely. But i get to facepalm :blush:

Yeah if it happens on his watch. That’s the way it goes isn’t it.

Btw bowel movements all good if that’s not tmi!


No spending and no sex for four years. Sounds great, the Dems really know how to recruit.


This is still my favorite thing on Breitbart ever. It’s from 13 years ago, and they’ll never take it down.

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Who owned it 2021 until now when prices have skyrocketed?

Face it, you will never lay blame for a damn thing on Biden.


Yeah life during the Trump/covid years was a blast. Good times eh.

More people.died under the Biden admin.

Good times huh? What happens under their watch and all…right?