The "I apologize for believing/spreading the Seth Rich Was Murdered By Democrats" conspiracy thread

You would really suck as an investigator.

I guess there is some evidence coming soon about Seth Rich leaking the Podesta emails, proving on that way it wasnt a hacking and exposing the entire Russia investigation as the witch hunt it is and rising then suspicions about the murdering of Seth Rich.

Its very strange that the liberal trolls refresh that issue right now (as nobody talks anymore about), asking everyone to apologize for having believed Seth Rich was murdered by DNC :rofl: …that thugs obviously want to control your mind :roll_eyes:

They prepare to discredit whatever would come out about Seth Rich leaking information to wikileaks, which should rise even more suspicions about them. Why would they do that, if they are innocent?

I thought it was a teapot?

Can’t we have both?

Now you’re just being ridiculous.

Do you have (obviously) problems whith what Im writing and try to blame me ? :laughing:

Im no investigator and have no intention to exercise that, but Mueller and his team full of DNC thugs are a disgrace for every serious investigator, they destroyed the credibility in that profession and the likes of you really suck as DNC think tanks troll patrol :joy:


Now come one, put some couple of posts more, to scroll my posts upward, in the hope that not to many will read them…:joy:

You say it, and I believe it, until irrefutable evidence pops up proving me, by which I mean you, wrong.

Just like Rush Limbaugh, I too have an accuracy rating of 99.6%. That is totally rational and understandable to me.

@MoleUK Can you see why it’s not interesting to me?

I have neither the desire, nor the time to sort out information that the braying masses fling about because they were able to connect their wireless printer to their linksys and think that remembering the name of a software package or company name makes their argument unassailable.

I’m sure by tomorrow instructions for using FireBase or node.js will be posted by some guy who only codes in binary using notepad on his active directory based commodore 64, on which he uses BitchX to image El Captain onto his surface pro.

Between the braying masses, the suits who try to work with information they don’t understand, and the politics it loses its appeal.

I read some of it, ponder a few … and wait for them to make a decision. It doesn’t matter what I think of their investigation, so there’s no point in getting bent out of shape about it.

Don’t despair @Girl_from_Ipanema… There really isn’t a whole lot to sort out about how this was handled, there is plenty of training available online I’d be happy to point you toward. Heck, if your company is agreeable, you might even consider becoming a member of InfraGuard… Apologies if you are already a member…


There wasn’t really a whole lot to sort out.

Yes, I do have problems with what you write. You seem to have no understanding of logic.

I strongly suggest you read this wiki entry. It will help you.

I think the favorite part of this thread for me is self-proclaimed experts in IT having no clue how distributed computing technology works.

Haven’t decided if I’m going to stripe 8 or 12 5k IOPS SDDs for a new prod VM instance. Might have to check the closet to see if i have enough floppy’s to handle it.


8 …

To show my ignorance on the topic, you literally needed the word “floppy” to drive that joke home. Thanks for including me.

I know you’re a q-anon nutter and unlikely to read anything but quatrains… but here is Kevin Poulsen on the matter:

You’re welcome

Odd, how libs keep this thread going…