The "I apologize for believing/spreading the Seth Rich Was Murdered By Democrats" conspiracy thread

Except they have all the emails where the technician documented the calls including the name of the agent. It turns out it was a real agent really calling to get access to help…

okay Cisco/NetApp/Amazon/eBay, we’re gonna have to take those 12 blades from your 4 international data centers.

oh, and can we also have your telegraph machine to dust if for mustache wax.

man, you make some really weird posts.

There’s that phrase again. Deeeep staaaaate. Cue the kettle drums. BOOM BA BOOM BOOM.

So, in a thread that was should have conclusively killed the “Seth Rich Was Murdered By Democrats” conspiracy theory based on reality, there’s a still a few dead ender neckbeards out there who are showing how much they don’t know about computers while digging deeper into the conspiracy.

When ya don’t know how ■■■■ works, anything is possible.

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Well, to be thorough we will need all the edge and core routers so that the logs are not “compromised”…

Token Ring forever! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You just did.

Don’t forget Azure. :blush:

The DNC guy wasn’t Seth was it?

What’s the count on apologies?

Nope, it was Yared Tamene… If you had a spent just a few minutes investigating what actually happened you would know that…

Got busy but I wanted to add a little more for @Girl_from_Ipanema:

Every AWS AMI uses the Xen hypervisor on bare metal. Xen offers two kinds of virtualization: HVM (Hardware Virtual Machine) and PV (Paravirtualization). But before we discuss these virtualization capabilities, it’s important to understand how Xen architecture works.

Virtual machines (also known as Guests) run on top of a hypervisor. The hypervisor takes care of CPU scheduling and memory partitioning, but it is unaware of networking, external storage devices, video, or any other common I/O functions found on a computing system.

So the “hard drive” is not present on the host machine, but rather its existence is emulated with a device driver that interfaces with the EBS storage systems via high performance networking.

This article is a couple of years old and as of now the only type of virtualization offered when I choose to launch an EC2 instance is HVM.

Hopefull this gives you some details that will help you in the future.

How do you know it is a conspiracy theory? Do you have eny evidence or you just want to force the people to think the same like you?

There is neither irrefutable evidence he was killed because of leaking the Podesta emails, nor it is any it happened like that

Spidey, Friend of Rocks
Spidey Goes Dancing IV
No Need for the Hand, Spidey, I Fell Gently
Mangos with Spidey
Ham Sandwiches, the Redux (straight to Redbox)

Yeah, you suck on that lemon for a while longer.

If I recall correctly Call me Ishmael has claimed a MSEE. I’ve seen some evidence that he is an engineer from some of Gosnell postings in he past.

I do think his professional experience might be a bit dated now though so some technology he is less conversant with.

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Do you have any irrefutable evidence it didnt happened like that (Seth Rich murdered on command of Hillary) ?

Also, can you provide irrefutable evidence that there isn’t a teacup orbiting the earth?


I’ll clarify. I want you to keep sucking on that lemon. If you want to stop, you’re better off asking someone else.

But to answer your question: no irrefutable evidence exists that a Democratic hitman, perhaps Hillary herself, didn’t use the same gun on Seth Rich that she used on Vince Foster.

In fact, Occam’s Razor points to my answer as the truth.