The house select committee on Jan 6

So basically toss out the certified electors that were elected by the people of a state and certified by the governor of a state because he lost the state by a slim margin.

Totally bonkers and this is the guy who is going to run again in 2024.


I also find it amazing that conservatives here won’t address this and admit Trump is dangerous. They must support his thinking.

They certainly won’t argue against it here. Most likely feel justified because “Dems have done worse” or whatever.

They are willing to end the Republic to own the Libs.

Here we are…

Very understandable why Trump would do anything in his power to avoid the truth coming out.

Truth has essentially become Kryptonite for the GOP.

Any decent Lawyer would tell Trump that he doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell to get a court to grant him executive privilege. Think what a precedent it would set. So the goal here is just to muck up the works in court for as long as they can. I hope that they run up against a judge who won’t stand for those kind of antics.

Well that is a shocker. It will be interesting to see what the committee does with all of those who will try to buck them.

Ya- and I assume all the potential White House staff will ignore subpoenas at this point. Bannon said he already would. Its just a game of timing- how long until judges rule and it makes its way to the Supreme Court.

Ah you beat me to it. Big shocker!

Contempt of Congress

Congress has the authority to hold a person in contempt if the person’s conduct or action obstructs the proceedings of Congress or, more usually, an inquiry by a committee of Congress.

Contempt of Congress is defined in statute, 2 U.S.C. § 192, which states that any person who is summoned before Congress who “willfully makes default, or who, having appeared, refuses to answer any question pertinent to the question under inquiry” shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a maximum $1,000 fine and 12 month imprisonment.

The matter under investigation must be a subject over which Congress has legislative power before an uncooperative witness may be convicted of contempt.

Generally, the same constitutional rights against[ self-incrimination that apply in a judicial setting apply when one is testifying before Congress.

Congress could just do it themselves.

It’s called inherent contempt.

They send the Sergeant-at-Arms out to arrest the individual, and hold the trial in Congress. No court necessary.

It hasn’t been done since the 1930s, but it could be.

I have heard in the past that Congress and the DOJ have a lot of options and some can carry quite a sting.
The big question here is what is Trump hiding? If the crowds were so peaceful as he has said, why not let those folks testify and have documents released?

It won’t happen. Not in this political climate. But I agree…theoretically.

Trumpers are WAY too dug in at this point.

But this time he’ll make sure the electors vote the way he wants.

As long as it keeps the commies out of power!

Like this fat alcoholic slob who was not a member of the Trump administration would merit executive privilege?

I cant not imagine how anyone would pay fines or serve jail time for the orange one.

This isn’t good…