If you were interested in a discussion, then a critique is usually the first step. Not that you’re ever actually interested in discussion, rather just judging and ranking.
When you want my opinion, you’ll give it to me? That doesn’t make any sense. Unless you’re trying to be an arrogant jerk.
The greatest risk is the lack of In person relationships in person.
Most people are developing ONLINE Social Network Relationships and Friendships
So they actually have a hard time developing relationships in person.
And honestly GIRLS are nastier than boys can be and they don’t make relationships like males do.
Girls hold drama longer then boys do…
So it has nothing to do with what this OPS article states.
There is the expression better alone than in bad company.
Quite frankly, the extreme of someone who constantly must be surrounding by friends, family, others is a bit disturbing. IMO life should involve a little bit of both, forming some connections (but not feeling obligated to stick with 'em should they involve too much drama), and taking time for oneself to engage in activities that don’t require a companion, like reading a good book.