The Government Shutdown Hurts

Construction workers collect unemployment all the time when they are laid of in the winter. The company enters the reason they are laid off is lack of work and puts in a date when they will probably be recalled and they don’t have to look for work.

Yup they call it standby waiving work search requirements.
Many people don’t understand how weak work search requirements are. Let’s face it, it’s a government run program. The requirements are certain to be comical. You don’t need to actually apply for a job, inquiring about a job or simply asking if a company is hiring is considered meeting a job search requirement. Many states require only 3 searches a week keeping a log of those 3 contacts. You may never be required to show your log. Calling 3 employers a week and asking if they are hiring, what a breeze. You can spend 6 months in that cat and mouse game never once actually applying for a job.

This is fine and normal. No way whatsoever that this is going to have long lasting security impact. Nope.

Criminal never look at people in hardship situation to bribe…

The Trumpists take their history lesson from the Reagan years, when it was totally cool to trade arms for hostages.

Democrats don’t agree.

If the Dems cave then shutdown will be Trumps only negotiation tactic going forward. He’ll campaign on trying to set the new record every time. The GOP will be “concerned” the whole time.

This is simply amazing. I came here to talk about my first hand experience being affected by this Shutdown, and hopefully find an ally who could talk to the President himself. Obviously I was a fool to do so. Not only did I not find the ally I thought I needed, but I’ve been called a moocher, a deadbeat, lazy, a bot. I don’t know what to say. I hope you all are proud of yourselves.

There have been some good people in this thread. Thank you for your compassion and strong arguments in my favor. You surely outweigh the garbage that I spoke of already.


Compassion is for losers.

More effects and one that has a direct effect on the economic well being on people who are not government employees.

Think about all the support systems hat have had basically a month off. And I was worried about a Hurricane. The stores and hotels that operate around National Parks. The businesses that support and licensed business like fishing. Landlords to people that cant make rent. A lot of people suffering. A huge trickle down effect.

Government workers have been laid off?

It’s easy to not care about government workers who are laid off. We probably didn’t need them anyways.

Exactly what I have been saying

Yes, a furlough is a temporary lay off.

I’m sorry but pretty much everyone on this planet has unexpected loss or losses in their life.

Oh so McConnell is dishing out what Reid did when Obama was president. Liberals are getting a little taste of their own medicine.

Liberals compassion lies with illegals and sanctuary cities.

A bunch of Trump voters not getting paychecks while Trump and Republican politicians continue to get income.

This is perfect.

Sorry its trump’s shutdown, he said so.


DEM’s sided with the GOP in the Senate and passed funding in December.

The, now, DEM House has passed funding to open the government (including 1.3 Billion) for more border security, same as December. But now the Senate won’t take up the bill because Trump told McConnell not too. McConnell is doing it because he doesn’t want GOP senators on the record with a vote (same as with Garland).

DEM’s have passed budgets, it’s the GOP (namely Trump) blocking government reopening.