The GOP hates democracy

AKA, “I know you are, but what am I?”

Schools over.

Agreed, glad you learned something about our Republic today. :wink:

Damn…you are persistent.

Go ahead, you can have the last word…on this topic.

The GOP does hate democracy. Which is why, even though I may not agree with a lot of what the Democratic candidates believe, I’m still willing to vote for them, I’m still willing to put my time and money on the line for them. There’s more important things than just passing your legislation. HOW you win is just as important as what you want to do when you’ve won.

The Republicans have lost me forever.

Ah, well it’s about damn time I be given the same opportunity that you get by default. Libs are so greedy. :hugs:

No such thing. Two different forms of government.

Once again, you are wrong…

A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. Rather than being a cross between two entirely separate systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.

What would pure republic look like? How does one become a representative?

It also looks like you are labeling democracy, strictly as a direct democracy.

various forms of democracies…

The USA could also be called a representative democracy.

Representative democracy is a form of democracy in which people vote for representatives who then vote on policy initiatives as opposed to direct democracy, a form of democracy in which people vote on policy initiatives directly.

No, I’m not wrong. Prog indoctrination to the contrary. Nobody cares how you choose your betters.

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Yes, you are wrong. But hey, keep creating your own realties. it is probably a fun place to live.

Individualism v Collectivism


I thought this type of pedantry wore itself by the 2nd day of following politics. “It’s a republic not a democracy” is up there with “its not a clip it’s a magazine” or “it’s not a dog it’s a golden retriever”.

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The mob crieth out. lol


Ok, by the 3rd day of following politics that kind of pedantry should have been outgrown.

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Pure democracy is a tyranny of 50%+1. A republic has rights for the minority the majority cannot vote away.

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The difference is immensely material.

Democracy is the collective will of the majority to impose their ideal society on others.

A republic is a state in which the collective will cannot overpower the individual rights that all humans possess innately.

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Democratic People’s Republic of Korea hearts this post.


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