The forgotten genocide

Ya I think he was a bit jealous because he taught early European history and I think he felt the history channel put to much emphasis on ww2 neglecting other points in history.

I sort of figured that out before now.

That alone should have justified their removal. The problem is that Turkey is the gateway to Europe from Asia and vice versa and we needed them during the cold war. Should we ever get close to hostilities with Russia again that land bridge will again be invaluable. That is probably the only reason they have yet to be booted out.

Armenians never held a significant influence over American society. They were not in a position to publicize their holocaust. Its just a matter of selling. That’s the same reason Asian (I almost said oriental) caricatures were acceptable until a couple of decades ago.

I went to Rwanda last year. Boy, that was a messed up genocide. It was in some ways worse than what the Nazis did. The Nazis doing the killings were soldiers often killing large amounts of people at once. In Rwanda, it was ordinary citizens with machetes.

Yes that is another genocide that gets thrown under the bus, I guess we hear about it more than the Armenian one because it is more recent. Still a horrible event and the fact it was carried out by mostly blunt objects and machetes shows how in one minute everything that could go wrong does.

I hope the EU never lets them in as a member, it has been tossed around from time to time. Last year Erogan was threatening he would unleash the 2 million migrants into Europe if they didn’t allow Turkey to have visa free travel.

I have never heard of that one will look it up thanks. Another one to add to the rank was the genocide in Indonesia. 1965-66 estimated killed 400,000 - 3,000,000.

There is a documentary I highly suggest about it called (The act of killing) the mafia necktie was widely used in the massacres.