The end of MAGA extremists?

I don’t think that’s true. I think Trump just came in at the right time. They ignore his character flaws based on the last 4 years, or what they believe he can change. This election was no different. Harris can’t run on dealing with the border or inflation. That’s like me setting your house on fire, then telling you to vote for me, I’ll put it out. They vote for him for what they believe he will do. Not his character or what he has done in the past.

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It’s only a Mao styled cult if dead bodies keep floating down the Mississippi River into the gulf. Until then, it’s at most a Taylor Swift style cult, but around a politician.

Oh it’s obvious why he won. The Democrats spent four years ignoring the lower end of the economy and focusing on DEI and trans issues no one gives a ■■■■ about.


It’s also Trump’s strength that’s appealing, as he has withstood the vicious attacks against him, the likes of a polished & weak politician Romney could never do. :broken_heart:


Trump can do wrong. I just overlook what isn’t policy affecting.


That’s fair enough.

My mom isn’t like that. Trump might as well be the second coming of Christ to her.


Exactly what cult members do. Overlook the obvious flaws and pretend that those flaws are compartmented in a way that their policy couldn’t possibly affect them.

i will be interesting how 2028 sets up for the election for MAGA





they will be climbing over each for trumps endorsement.


No, cults have very clearly defined characteristics. MAGA meets them all.

When you voted for Kamala, did you ignore that for over a year she lead the public to believe Biden had no cognitive issues and actually lied about it? Did you ignore that she went along with Biden’s open border policy and the pretense there was no problem until they could no longer get away with it?
Did you compartmentalize those issues in order to vote for Kamala because you disliked Trump more?


I agree. Despite not being able to do it.

It goes a bit beyond that, but yes, good comparison.

The people around him got slaughtered.



Yes, Almost like divine intervention. Even not getting the WH last time, helped because the difference between Trump economy and Biden’s was obvious to anyone and Trump would not have won the trifecta. All his enemies are losing big time, and looking stupid… Media exposed. Nancy in tears. Pollsters look like liars… They all got slaughtered… Good point!


then how come no “trump” cult before running for pres?

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His policy was great in his first term, I expect better the second.


King like the rest of the elitist blowhards will do nothing


I would fix a creaky door on your mom’s house for free, anytime!

The sleeping giant isn’t merely a warrior, but a very capable Jack of All Trades. Time to wake his sleepy ass up. :wink: