The Democrat Party is Killing Itself

So nothing then.

Global news?

And why is he doing a rally in July? Shouldn’t he be saving these for late September/October?

Incorrect, Everything.

Moreover, because Democrat polemic utilizes ad hominem exclusively, cultist can’t reason why one position is superior to the other.

So when the Democrat cult begins to disintegrate into factions, they will be unable to stop it.

Calling each other racist sexist bigoted homophobes won’t convince opposing Democrats to “hang with the party.”

So, the Bible is true after all. You reap what you have sown.

Why do you hate free speech so much Sneak? :wink:

So nothing.

Like a brain with crutches on each ear, so ad hominem is to leftist politic.

They can’t communicate without smearing the message or messenger.

They have lost the ability to think rationally from one fact to another.

So when the new socialists split from the old Pelosi Schummer crowd…

And the trans begin competing with feminists for preference

and illegal affirmative action takes away from other “victims”

They will be confused like the rebels at the Tower of Babel

Unable to communicate logical reasons why xyz should hold them together…

They will all be accusing each other of racism, sexist, homophobia, xenophobia, etc,. ad infintium…

AND that won’t get the job done. It will lose the argument just as deranged Democrats are losing the argument now, with the American People.

So the trade war with China is on. Not to mention Canada and Mexico.

Who was it that said trade wars were easy to win?

Another rally where the zombies sit there with their MAGA hats, drooling get Dotards falsities?

Why is he holding rallies? Shouldn’t he be governing?

Is he the new Campaigner-in-Chief?

Trump is the whiniest president this country’s ever had. He’s the new standard for your party.

Irony = Alfie excoriating people who he claims use ad hominem attacks by using ad hominem attacks.

BAC threads are pure comedy gold.

I get the shtick but his threads are getting old. I don’t understand why people still respond to the most trollish ones.

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shrug Some members and threads you engage seriously, some you just have fun with. I agree Alfie’s posts were more creative on the old forum, but he’s still good for a chuckle now and then. More so in his responses than his OPs.

He needs to be surrounded by adoring, cheering crowds on regular basis.