The death toll from China's covert war against the US has reached over 1.6 million

When you can convince American businesses that they will make a lot less money and convince American consumers they’ll be paying a lot more money for a whole host of goods, then you can talk about decoupling from China.

It won’t happen and it’s all about money.

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Life will be better than amerika becomes a socialist state.

From your mouth to Soros’ ears!

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Says the poster that claimed it was impossible to have vaccine by the end of the year…

If it was a bio weapon (it’s not) it only makes our handling of it even worse

That’s right,

I forgot if one doesn’t have a batting average of 1.000, one knows nothing about the subject.


Beijing can barely contain Shanghai, but a certain set of conspiracy minded Americans can’t help tickling themselves with the truly stupid belief that it somehow managed to convince Americans to poorly handle every possible aspect of a pandemic response.

Nah, hope, no way.

We are the freeberty weenies who done did it to ourselves.

In case you didn’t know, the US has a constitution that allocates powers to various political institutions. The US is not a communist dictatorship, where the top of the pyramid issues whatever orders it wills and everyone below obeys or receives a reduced social score or is placed into a re-education camp.

POTUS has upheld the constitutional independence of states to manage themselves. Unfortunately, it has become apparent that many states are being run by minority elected leaders who want to see America fall to the Chinese, and are deliberately working to worsen their states’ economies as a means of weakening the nation and give China advantages.

At some point, 45 days after election day, this collusion with China will be sufficiently traced and documented by intelligence agencies constitutionally to require Trump to act in order to protect the United States from identified enemies foreign and domestic. Until then, states have constitutionally delegated powers to use or misuse as they choose.

It’s already been happening thanks to CCPV.

Right, and it’s an utter impossibility that we’ll have a vaccine in wide distribution by the end of December according to your vaunted “insider industry information and experience”.

Tell us another fairy tale.

Except that policy was rejected and never implemented.

Try again.

Maybe a right/left alliance is in order in this area a possible bipartisanship, on this huge issue? The Democrats was once the party of the working man way before they gravitated towards Trump.

It has to be in the Democrats DNA to still want to protect the working man. I can’t think of a better position for both parties voters to extend and olive branch and demand the politicians do something about it or they get voted out.

I am a conservative and am usually against high taxes and tariffs. But I have evolved in my position on trade and would gladly see a business that is outsourcing everything to China or elsewhere for slave labor prices at the same time insourcing their workers in from countries that will do the same job an American will do for 1/3rd the price.

I say tax the them to hell and back and slap a tariff on the product so much that when sold in the US. they are only getting the exact same profit for the product that they saved on the cheap labor.

Not anymore.

They sacrificed the blue collar vote for the open borders vote.

You cannot appeal to both.


This is true, one can only hope.

Here is a smoking gun that clearly shows that the virus was not the result of natural evolution.

The figure on the left compares two naturally occurring coronaviruses. Differences between the genic codes can be synonymous (syn) or non-synonymous (nonsyn). Syn means that genes correspond to the same amino acid, nonsyn means they do not. The natural mutations result about the same ratio of syn to nonsyn (dS/dN) changes as shown at the left.

In contrast, the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the COVID pandemic has almost no nonsyn changes most of its genome compared to its closest relative as shown the flat red line in the figure on the right. The steep portion of the red line near the center of the right figure indicates a likely insertion from an unrelated virus.

RaTG13 is fake - Nerd Has Power (

Growing evidence that Wuhan coronavirus originated in a lab - Outside The Beltway - Hannity Community

Most of the US virologists have worked with scientists in China on similar gain-of-function work that created the COVID virus. Many have also received funding from China. They every incentive to play down the possibility that their work has resulted in a pandemic that has killed millions.

In addition, China controls the academic press by demanding that it censor anything that it finds politically sensitive. For background and a point-by-point refutation of a Nature article claiming a natural origin see:

China owns Nature magazine’s ass: Debunking “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” claiming COVID-19 definitely wasn’t from a lab - Harvard to the Big House

Correction, that is a “smoking turd” not a “smoking gun”.

Your graphs do not in any way “prove” this strain is not a natural variant.

Don’t fall for the conspiracy nut crap.

Don’t fall for the “I call out conspiracy theories, therefore my theories, despite also entailing implicit conspiracies, are reasonable and believable” crap.

Paul, again from a friend. Don’t fall down this hole. It’s a long way back and many never make it.

It still doesn’t mean the virus if natural wasn’t accidentally (What I think) or maliciously let loose from the Wuhan lab. The only level 4 virus labs proximity to the wet markets 300 yards is just to much coincidence.

This wouldn’t be the first time a virus got loose from a lab but it would be the worst case.

The best evidence now suggest that was indeed the case.

Wild caught Infected bats in the lab infected a lab worker in the Wuhan area who then spread it to the population concentrated around the Wuhan wet markets.

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