The cruelty is the point

I remember reading that article a while back. It’s spot on.

Trump and his ilk take pleasure in inflicting suffering in others. Trumps cruelty isn’t something that they look the other way, it’s somethig they relish.

I can only hope 2018 was the America people starting to reject Trump and his vileness. Unfortunately his base is still rotten to the core. Fortunately the GOP got decimiates by the younger voters. Hopefully Demographics and Father Time will spell the end for Trumpism and the current GOP.


So you write off nearly half the country as mean and nasty because they disagree with you politically? Well, that certainly doesn’t sound mean and nasty.



That would be cheering as toddlers are stripped from their parents with no plan in place to ever reunite them.

That would be putting kids in cages for weeks on end, some with no access to beds.

That would be deporting the parents thousands of miles away while their kid sits in said cage.

That would be looking at a group of impoverished asylum seekers and labeling them as lepers and terrorists.

That would be taking members away from their families right before the holidays so you can use them as political props in an election.

Grotesque, cruel behavior has become not only accepted on the right, but demanded.

Very well. One more open borders advocate.

Do you have the same feeling about the families of American felons who are removed from their families? The point is all this niceness is just causing more people to make the trek or die trying.

Sorry, but I don’t like people who hold those kinds of beliefs. There are plently of nice and kind people to be friends with.

And…who has made that claim? Besides you, that is…

I love this tactic of when someone rightly criticizes the President about how things are being handled at the Southern Border as being for “open borders”


I dunno. Can you think of any democrat who is not always an angel?

So everyone who holds a position you don’t like is mean and nasty? Really?


You cannot tell someone who has made a trek for months that they cannot enter the country illegally and must return home a thousand miles without their thinking you are mean.
Open borders is the only alternative.
I’ll take enforcing our borders and immigration laws.


In two weeks it’ll be “They gunned down a bunch of kids!”. “Oh I guess you’re for open borders then.”

Mark my words.


Nope. The only alternative isn’t open borders.

What other alternatives could we come up with?

Meh, “open borders” is just a cute little term invented by the CEC to try to disparage anyone who might disagree with Trump. I have yet to see a country that actually has “open borders” or is moving in that direction. The US has immigration laws in place. It’s just a matter of the method in which those laws may be enforced that is up for debate.


Strawman development is necessary to prove ones prowess at knocking them down.

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The President has asked that people not crash our borders. That they apply for asylum at a legal point of entry. What would you do differently?

One would think that when the US government was throwing kids into cages and losing track of where children who were being housed under the care of the People of the United States, that rightful criticism of the President for not placing adequate resources to handle the chaos that he was about to impose would be met with something other “OPEN BORDERS!!!”

I like your statement - it is much more concise than mine. :grinning:


Yes. And the old method has resulted in having something like 11 to 22 million illegals in the country.
But very not mean…for them.

Who is “they?” Who is going to gun down a bunch of kids? The U.S. Marines?

Not spend weeks demonizing them as lepers or terrorists.

Not send the military hundreds of miles from where they are heading in order to be used as political props right before an election.

Not spent my entire time as a candidate or President attacking these people as somehow subhuman.

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