The Chosen One - Netflix Show

Based on Mark Millars comic American Jesus, this is the story of 12 year old Jodie who starts to experience visions, survives death and inadvertently starts to perform miracles. The community is divided over whether Jodie is Jesus Christ incarnate or something darker. The first few episodes have a Stand by Me feel but they lead naturally into what seems to be a disciple type relationship emerging.

What I really like is how Netflix moved the story to
Baja California Sur, Mexico. This works perfectly as the religious elements are enhanced much more than they would be in an American setting. Its also refreshing to watch something set outside of the US.

The source material was written by Mark Millar who has a ton of his comics adapted into movies (Kingsman, Kick Ass, Wanted) and most famously reimagining Marvel’s universe as The Ultimates and was the basis for the MCU. He even rewrote Nick Fury as Samuel L Jackson years before he was actually cast in the role. Millar is a Roman Catholic so his take on the second coming of Christ is definitely interesting.

Though when you watch it dont go for the English dubbed version but watch it in Spanish with subtitles.


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Do they play on the name Jesus (hey Zeus)?

This is perfect. I needed something to watch at work. Being Spanish myself, I don’t think I’ll need the subtitles.

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Ha no, the boy is an American called Jodie. Show starts with his mum escaping to Mexico with him as a baby.

The show is a lot more subtle than you might think.

Well, at least they didn’t go with the low hanging fruit. I’ve seen it on the list, might check it out. Hopefully, it’s not like that HBO show that came out years ago with the young guy quoting “scripture” throughout the telling of several different stories, John From Cincinnati.