The Boogeyman (2023 Movie)

I saw the latest horror movie The Boogeyman Saturday and loved it.

It was effectively scary with some solid scares. I also enjoyed the performances in the film.

I definitely recommend everyone to see it.

I give it a grade of an B+.



And because the movie did well at the B. O. there will be a Trilogy.

A couple times from the audience I shouted "Turn on your lights!" to the movie characters. I mean srsly, walking around the house in the dark every moment when you have a boogeyman on the loose has no credibility. I mean, who does that?? In the whole movie characters turn on light about 3 times and the lightbulbs are like 10 watt bulbs.

Knowing there will be sequels, changes it from being a low budget cliffhanger to the next fun, scare series. minimum blood and guts and good creepy jump scares.