The Afghanistan bait and switch

You claim all of this experience. I asked you a question about it because I wanted to know the answer. I’m not the expert. You are. Which is why I’m asking you.

Who told you it was an exercise? Your C.O? Or did you simply make an assumption that a conspiracy was going on?

Then stop arguing with me. lol


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I am not arguing. I would not ask the question if I didn’t want your answer. It’s just a question. It should be very easy to explain.

Who told you it was an exercise? Your C.O? Or did you simply make an assumption that a conspiracy was going on?

Well, Zawahiri is still alive and free. Never got him so I don’t think you can claim complete victory.

I guess not at this very moment in time, right?

You said you have a nephew over there. Just listen to him. Forget I said anything. :rofl:

Okay fair enough. But if and when he is killed should we declare victory and get out?


Great advice. He doesn’t think for a minute that he is there for practice. So it definitely is not an exercise.

Awesome, don’t ever let your bias be threatened by another warrior’s experience. Stick to the ones that feel right. :wink:

Bias and questions are not the same. I only asked questions. Every American has a right to ask questions of a war we are funding. I asked a question because you made an untrue statement. I thought it was a joke at first. But then you kinda dug in your heels.

Maybe he doesn’t believe you have experience. When and where did you serve?

But I think it’s more likely he’s just not familiar with your posting style. You were being sarcastic, he thought you were being serious.

Seems you’re both arguing semantics.

No, you said I was wrong because your nephew is over there and he has an opinion you prefer over mine.

What your nephew and I have in common is, we’ve been there, and have legitimate views in our own rights since we actually earned it.

Anyone who never participated has the luxury of picking and choosing which Warrior’s opinion to keep as their own. :man_shrugging:

I thought he was joking at first. But he kept pushing it which led me to question if he was really joking.

I served in the Marines. I have the right to ask questions. Which is why I am asking questions. I also have a cousin who is a full bird colonel in the Army. She works in the Pentagon and has been awarded two bronze stars. I have seen her pop her head into the secretary of defense’s office and say Hi. I have never asked her if we are over there for practice. Should I? :man_shrugging:

You shouldn’t hide behind other people’s experience as if they somehow validate your opinions about something you weren’t a part of? :man_shrugging:

Exactly! Which is why I ask questions. My question is:

Who told you it was an exercise? Your C.O? Or did you simply make an assumption that a conspiracy was going on?

Well? :man_shrugging:

My experience with being over there.

What’s your excuse for getting so triggered? Lack of experience?

You’re dodging.

Who told you it was an exercise? Your C.O? Or did you simply make an assumption that a conspiracy was going on?

From experience. If you had any, you’d stop flailing about it being a Live Fire Exercise.

You should take another one of those intermittent breaks. You’re acting like all the other triggered libs who’ve never been to Afghanistan or Iraq.