Texas Nat Gas Prices plummet to near ZERO

Who in the HELL keeps blocking US energy corporations from building and opening pipelines?

The corporations are investing and pumping and investing and pumping
bringing the price down to all time lows, and someone keeps blocking their pipelines from being built so despite near-zero prices the US and Europe face a crisis of high-priced energy.

From the Article:

Natural gas prices in the Permian Basin of West Texas are plunging toward zero as booming production overwhelms pipeline networks, creating a regional glut of the fuel.

Gas in an area of the vast Permian known as Waha traded for as little as 20 cents to 70 cents per million British thermal units on Monday, traders said. That compares with the US benchmark futures contract that’s trading around $5.20 and European prices close to $28.


Clearly there is plenty of Nat Gas (which can power cars trucks and bussers btw),
Clearly plenty has been invested in drilling and pumping natural gas.

But with inadequate pipelines and port facilities the Western World is facing a crisis of high natural gas prices.

Amazingly, both here and in Europe, folks are blaming high energy prices on anti-Russia sanctions. In France and Italy and elsewhere there are street protests demanding those countries leave NATO (because supposedly anti-Russia sanctions are to blame for high energy prices.)


Propane was $2.29 per gallon when I filled up the tank last week. It was a dollar per gallon cheaper not too long ago.

Can’t quite remember what was different… :wink:

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Is propane made from natural gas?

I don’t think so, but it’s all way more expensive than it should be. This is all on purpose.


Europe suppose to have as much or even more natural gas then we do.


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No…it’s byproduct from oil refining. Hell they burn it off.


Meh. Presumably multi million dollar companies have the wherewithal to adjust production to transport capacity. If they fail to do so…

Nonetheless according to the article
corporations are investing,
corporationa are producing
but somebody (Koch brothers preserving their monopoly??) is not allowing pipelines so the gas goes to waste and what does sell is NOT responsible for high energy prices.

According to the article
Supply is not the problem
Corporate investment is not the problem.
The problem is lack of pipelines.

Sure. Need more pipelines. In the meantime, don’t over produce transport capacity. That seems pretty simple

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So lack of corporate investment in pipelines is the problem…

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Last I heard energy corporations want to build pipelines but the gov’t blocks the pipelines form being built.

Likely culprits include

  • misguided environmentalists
  • lefty native american groups
  • the Koch brothers.

Could be any or all of them.


Do you have a link to back up that assertion?

Well google has over 44 million links when I search “pipeline protestors”
so I have to assume you’ve heard of such things happening.

here is a small selection of what I get when i do a google image search for the same terms.






Images of people protesting pipelines - and I’d be willing to bet a doughnut that most of those protests are over oil pipelines - doesn’t do much to support the notion that government is preventing corporations from building out the NG infrastructure.

here is a list of pending NG pipeline projects.


Oh you found a list of projects that might be approved one day.
Do you have a list of those protested and/or blocked?

“Look ma I found a person who survived cancer . . . proof that cancer does not kill.” (rolleyes)