Texas LGBT group cancels drag show after fundraising woes: ‘kind of embarrassing’

Their own words and actions:

Thankfully, they couldn’t get enough funding and/or enough predators to show up and publicly protest their legal inability to molest little children by the group-full.

Unfortunately, the reality is, these psycho-freaks are openly after children, just like we all knew they were from the start, with the cult-like defense of their comrades on the left.

Protecting your children from child molesters is now a Right vs Left issue. The ■■■■ show must go on. :man_shrugging:


And repugs need to campaign on that issue…it’s a winner. Those that opposes it will be labeled child predators. Make sure to take names of those that do opposes it and make a map of where they live and post it on local newspaper.


Absolutely. It’s too easy. Even a good chunk of moderate dem voters have actual kids that they want to protect from monsters who openly prey on children and call it “Pride”.


What’s odd is I’ve seen comments from some drag queens and other lgbtqxyzpdq, and they were all like: “let kids be kids, this isn’t the right age group to start pushing this on.”

Dunno what percentage it is. But it’s not a left vs right issue. It’s more a “flaming left activist” vs everyone else issue.


Local Dallas LBGTQ+ organization cancels upcoming drag show. News at 11!

I wonder how many of them saying that because society hasn’t caught up to their perversion.

Increments. :wink:


A larger percentage than many would confess, I would guess.

They seem to be split between the open about it and those who provide tall grass for the predators to hide in. The tall grass types can even protest about its not their personal choice … provided they are soooo understanding that what they would choose remains a personal choice … wouldn’t want to be one of those right wing types who care about stuff “reasonable people” don’t care about after all.


I can’t listen to these childless lib elites like Kamala, Sotomayor, etc., talk about how they care about children. They don’t give a ■■■■■


Always in your face…
I saw Dr. Phill yesterday and his guest told how she got married to her self with all the proper ceremony and the trimings that go with it.
Just another example of self-absorbed freeks eager to attack our Social Norms and pervert the traditional marriage.
I believe all of us have same rights to exist and celebrate our own percs in life but when they vawe a flag and parade to demand we APROVE and make LEGAL all their choices and perversions, that’s when they 've crossed the line…IMO.


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