Texas House Oks bill to deport illegal entrant foreign migrants which is perfectly constitutional

What does ICE do?

Isn’t the whole purpose of asylum that you are fleeing a dangerous situation in your home country?

Why would we then force those people to stay in the same country they are trying to flee? It doesn’t make sense.

They have a website where you can review their services. What they do not do is interior enforcement where there is no felony and workplace enforcement.


Makes all the since in the world to find out who they are before they are allowed to enter.
Do you allow just anyone off the street to enter your home and stay?

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If they are entering our country at the Southern border, they are entering from Mexico. Does Mexico oppress all those people based on race, religion or political beliefs? If so, we should be putting pressure on Mexico to stop. I haven’t heard that we are.

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And prosecuted for criminal offenses. One of which was stated during our Nations` first debate on a RULE OF NATURALIZATION, FEB. 3RD, 1790

Mr. BURKE thought it of importance to fill the country with useful men, such as farmers, mechanics, and manufacturers, and, therefore, would hold out every encouragement to them to emigrate to America. This class he would receive on liberal terms; and he was satisfied there would be room enough for them, and for their posterity, for five hundred years to come. There was another class of men, whom he did not think useful, and he did not care what impediments were thrown in their way; such as your European merchants, and factors of merchants, who come with a view of remaining so long as will enable them to acquire a fortune, and then they will leave the country, and carry off all their property with them. These people injure us more than they do us good, and, except in this last sentiment, I can compare them to nothing but leeches. They stick to us until they get their fill of our best blood, and then they fall off and leave us. I look upon the privilege of an American citizen to be an honorable one, and it ought not to be thrown away upon such people. There is another class also that I would interdict, that is, the convicts and criminals which they pour out of British jails. I wish sincerely some mode could be adopted to prevent the importation of such; but that, perhaps, is not in our power; the introduction of them ought to be considered as a high misdemeanor.


If you pass through safe countries to get here, you aren’t seeking asylum. And conditions in Mexico or Canada don’t warrant their citizens seeking asylum here, making every single case of “asylum!!!” illegitimate.


Their original location tells us what we need.

If they are fleeing from a country at war or a country whose government is committing or planning to commit genocide, then that’s a valid asylum claim.

If said country is not in the middle of a civil or foreign war and is not committing or planning genocide, then it is an invalid claim and they should be sent back to where they came from.

Being poor is not a valid claim of asylum.

Also to add. Asylum requires that the claimant file for asylum at the first safe country you encounter. Last time I checked Latin America is not at war nor is there any genocide going on. So they should be stopping at the countries next door to them. Not trekking all the way to the United States.


I very slightly have a different opinion as to who is responsible.
I see it as the Deep State was behind this all.
They used Biden as a puppet.
He does not know where his behind starts and where it ends.
The men “leads” by reading flush cards and being led by hand of stage, for Pete’s sake.
The man is not well, his name is used, HE is abused by being jerked around and led around as a bear on a chain.
Look at the faces behind him when he speaks to the cameras. They are holding their breath waiting for a gaffe. They are embarassed and fearfull.
Our Soverreingnity has been in jeopardy for a while now and I blame Republicans for letting it happen. No passion, no fight till Trump came and THEN they compare him to Pope and say he is a bad candidate.



You made that ■■■■ up. Our law specifically provides for deporting aliens.

8 U.S. Code § 1227 - Deportable aliens

Stop making ■■■■ up.


The Democrat Party Leadership is not content with having turned NYC into a rat, garbage and crime infested ■■■■■■■■■ It has now saw fit to include in its infestation tens of thousands of illegal entrant poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and terrorist foreign nationals.

Make Biden take it to the SC and in the mean time deport as many as possible.

Maybe by the time it hit the SC we would have a real president.


If AL likes illegals then the next million or so should be sent to Jersey.


Since when have you Biden apologists (student loan forgiveness) cared about the constitution?


In fact your president, the clown you keep defending has abandoned his responsibility to the Constitution by flinging the door wide open on that border so please don’t waste our time pretending you lefties care about the constitution.


Texas is not the attorney general that your link talks about. While I don’t like it but SC has pulled that feds have sole authority.



Now let’s see your wall of texts telling them they are wrong.

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Biden is a senile old man …

He exists as a political figure now so the democrats have a puppet and so Jim and Hunter have a product to sell.

But the stupid policies we are living with today still bear his name.

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Wall of texts? Is that your way to dismiss and mock a detailed rebuttal to your opinion?

I already posted my documented facts HERE which confirm there is no provision in our federal Constitution delegating an power to Congress allowing Congress to force upon the States a flood of unwanted foreign nationals. And my documentation also confirmes the State of Texas, under Article 1, Section 10, is authorized to deal with an invasion which poses an ". . . imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”

Why do you ignore documented and substantiated facts, and prefer to embrace the Humpty Dumpty theory of language being applied to our Constitution, by those who took an oath to support and defend it?

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less.”

“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”

Keep in mind, what makes a Supreme Court opinion legitimate is when it is in harmony with the text of our Constitution, and its documented legislative intent, which gives context to its text.


"The Constitution is the act of the people, speaking in their original character, and defining the permanent conditions of the social alliance; and there can be no doubt on the point with us, that every act of the legislative power contrary to the true intent and meaning of the Constitution, is absolutely null and void. ___ Chancellor James Kent, in his Commentaries on American Law , 1858.