Texas Does It Again

Did they come from wealthy families?

Definitely the latter…I’d prefer people who are self made than ones who had it handed to them.

you would get answers if you were serious about the discussion

im sure you do

And you and I have moved on. Yes, whining. Coveting. Complaining.

There was/is a school of thought that property ownership should be considered a bigger stake precisely because of the “democracy” that allows the non-producers to vote themselves entitlement to the fruits of other people’s labor. I don’t subscribe to it personally, but I feel the frustration.

I also don’t subscribe to such notions as a public service requirement to be eligible to vote.

We decided as a country from the beginning that citizenship was the discriminator, and correctly in my opinion.

As much as it pains me at times, the vote of this:


counts exactly as much as this Marine’s

download (8)


As it should be. American exceptionalism.


You prefer a President who became wealthy after being elected President? You sure about that?

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Truman died a pauper.

Are Obama and Clinton wealthy now? How did they get wealthy?

How is that any different than the “Producers” voting in what’s in their best interest at the expense of the “non producers”?

(Have to wait for my break times to post, unfortunately I’m not retired yet)

I believe they were both attorneys before they entered politics.

Because producers produce.

I’m not retired either.

:rofl: Are you kidding?

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The reasoning is you can either have economic power or political power, but not both.

this is not about “power”

it’s about having a stake in the election’s outcome.

people on the dole will always keep relecting those who provide for them off the backs of those who succeed, and produce

Mmmmm. Interesting. Power is power.

And people who own businesses will keep voting in those that are business friendly at the expense of others that don’t. How is that any better?

Who is not “business friendly” and why?

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Lets start with who is business friendly. For example…Those who want to do away with minimum wage, safety regs, unions etc etc…Anything that increases productivity and profit at the expense of all else. The “Producers” would vote them in time after time correct?

You mean pols?

Yes…Since only producers would be allowed to vote, which congressmen do you think they’re going to back and donate to? Those that help them out of course …That leaves the average joe without a voice now doesn’t it? Would be kind of a vicious cycle wouldn’t it?

Are you business friendly?