Ted Cruz's daughter and SH :(

Police in Houston were called to Cruz’s home on a mental health call that stated a 14-year-old har self-harmed, and they took her to the hospital. She had mentioned in January that she didn’t agree with her father’s politics.

I can’t imagine the pain she must be in.

This is a completely personal issue for Cruz that I don’t think is any of my business.


I hate that the press is even discussing it. Don’t touch children of politicians. How difficult if a concept is it?


A 14 year old is confused and doesn’t agree with their parents? Holy crap, is the sky also blue??

This is the filthiest of tabloid trash. A good reflection of our modern media.


We xon’t know what else going on beneath the surface or behind closed doors.

We don’t? Oh, thank God! :rofl:

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Is this a slight against Caroline Cruz, against the media, or both?

I have no clue who “Caroline Cruz” is, nor is he/she important enough for me to know. That sounds like a stripper I met in my prime.

My sleight against the media couldn’t have been more obvious though, right? :thinking:


This is a private matter with a minor. Closing this thread