Ted Cruz lets the cat out of the bag?

Between this and Romney getting booed at a GOP event… this week is turning out great.

What policies have the Ds suggested that achieves that goal?

Raising the corporate tax rate.

How does raising the corporate tax rate lock out small competitors?

Think about it.

That’s always been the play.

Raise tax rates so that the companies need to purchase loopholes (er…campaign donations).

Isn’t that how they came up with the idea of carbon taxes??? :us: :elephant:


I thought it was alright until Galt’s speech.

But it’s transactional: shut up, and we’ll ignore you tax liability.

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Ted Cruz trying to troll on Twitter and failing miserably is pretty funny.

It is a long winded sci fi novel

Read Anthem… same themes… better pulp sci fi story… much shorter.

How many “big box” stores were declared essential during the pandemic, while small businesses that couldn’t open up were shuttered? That’s why they donate to the Democratic Party.


Russian. That’s how they wrote

What are you afraid he will do?

Also supporting section 230 repeal. That’s a lifeline to dinosaur media.

Passing legislation that says we’re charging corporations more tax is not out of sync with looking the other way when that bill is evaded or not paid.

There are plenty of laws that are not applied when it is expedient for those in power to look the other way. Think Brennan, Clapper, Comie, Hunter, Clinton…

And now Garland. His FBI is kicking down the doors of innocent Trump voters and ignoring all things democrat. Kerry, Cuomo, Swalwell and Hunter come to mind.


THIS TRUTH…is worth repeating.


No one has voting rights because the dems stole the last election.

Our local hardware store and grocery stores and the independent pharmacy were all open.

the daily show just did a 9 minute takedown of lying ted