If they oppose a new Supreme Court judge, for whatever reason, thus preventing Roe vs Wade to be overturned then these RINO’s have no business being in the Senate.
No need to be PC here, get a challenger true conservatives can really trust, most likely a man. Let Democraps pander to their base (Hollywood, illegals, commies) with women of color.
Susan Collins is completely safe in supporting a pro-life nominee that will overturn Roe v. Wade. She said she will oppose any nominee who is openly hostile to the ruling.
No nominee, none, zero, zilch, nada, nadie, will act in any way even remotely openly hostile to Roe v. Wade (or anything, really) during the confirmation process.
Collins has set a line in the sand that will never be approached, let alone crossed.
Whatever happens after confirmation is irrelevant. She will be secure in the knowledge that she showed bark to her pro-choice fans and no teeth to the conservatives.
It’s a win all around except for privacy rights and stare decisis.
I’m curious, does the OP live in either Alaska or Maine.
If not, how does that constitutional conservative justify sticking his nose into business that is none of his.
Oh, I know. I think it’s insane that any party would think it’s appropriate in a democracy/republic (whatever you want to call it) to push such an unpopular agenda. The same people crying bloody murder about “activist judges” think this is OK.