Surprised there’s not a thread on this tik tok going down tomorrow supposedly

I’m a casual user on tik tok log scroll threw it a few times a month to watch funny videos so I could give a flying toss.

Just interested what do you guys think about it. Supposedly 1/3rd of Americans have downloaded tik tok.

The hypocrisy of the whole thing bothers me.

“Oh you American companies can steal everyone’s private info and sell it on the web to everyone and their mom, including the government. But don’t you dastardly Chinese people get in this game.”


I think we’ll see it get resurrected in the next few months. If not … one less social media brain rot app out there is fine by me.

It’s here to stay. TikTok owner was nice to Trump. That’s all that matters.

Sounds like Trump is going to give 90 days.

There’s a lot of good content on TikTok if you are on the right algorithm. It’s not just idiot dancing nurses and teens doing stupid things for clout.

My brain isn’t rotted from social media enough to care, much less know what the hell is even gong on with the Tik Tok nonsense. :man_shrugging:


I don’t even know what tik tok is. Until the last few days, I never even heard of it.

Oh, sure I could look it up to find out what it is, but I have no interest.

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It’s ADHD food.

How far did you throw it and where ?

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Meh. Other governments can take the same actions. They probably should.

Tik Tok is officially down in the US.

Yup It’s midnight somewhere.

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Latinos make great TikToks.

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It’s funny they mention Trump here. Seeing how his administration started this ban discussion back in 2020.


Well now I am pissed off Marvel Snap my go to mobile game is banned as well as Tik Tok, something to do with them having the same publisher. :rage:

Oh interesting. I used to play that game a lot. It’s quite fun.

I have been playing since launch and I enjoy it. The amount of money people drop in this game is mind boggling so understandably a lot of people are pissed off.

However the ban took the game developers by surprise and they had no idea Bytedance was going to take all their apps offline.

I am still trying to figure out exactly when Trump flip flopped on Tik Tok?

I had some pretty fun decks but the grind got to be too much. And once you stop playing for a few months, you get behind and lose out on a lot of cards and the meta passes you by.

Agree, it does get a bit grindy and Second Dinner have acknowledged card acquisition is a real issue for new players and players who took a break. The Player base is reducing including the all critical streamers.