Sturgis bike rally leads to a 600% jump in covid cases

yeah, because covid spreads outside at bike rallies but not blm protests.


The rallies, or any other outdoor event, are pretty low-risk. Bars in downtown Sturgis packed with unvaccinated are another thing.

you think lolla attendees didnā€™t go to the bar?

completely meaningless. how many positive people does it take in a crowd to spread covid?

Yes, itā€™s meaningless. You can be exposed and infected walking away from the testing center.

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You seriously think a group of vaccinated people have the same probability of spreading Covid as a group of non-vaccinated people?

Fascinating your understanding of probability.

You seriously think they were all vaccinated?

How do you know Sturgis was all unvaccinated?

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But you could also be infected and the test would catch it. So not meaningless, but not 100% either.

Yes, but they would either be vaxxed or passed a covid test. And yes, I know someone could test neagative then immediately get infected, but you are still reducing the risk by testing and weeding out those already infected.

It is meaningless as a mitigation to attend a concert tomorrow.

Not meaningless. Not perfect either.

No you arenā€™t. What is they were vaccinated and infected?

Sturgis is very much an indoor event.

Its not perfect, but it is way, way more effective than nothing.

Itā€™s useless. They arenā€™t quarantining after they get the negative test. In fact they are probably going out more because of it.

Itā€™s not more effective than canceling the concert.

LOL no itā€™s not.


Of course not.

Is that what you would prefer?

I would prefer an end to the hypocrisy.

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Are all the bars and restaurants outdoor only? What about the hotels?