Stock up now before the shelves are empty

Now even the incredible edible egg is in short supply. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would almost say that these shortages seem to be rather suspicious. We’ve been told that inflation is now at 2%, prices are coming down, the supply chain issue is near completely ended, yet as I go to the grocery store, I am noticing prices are still going up (considerably)and more and more items are not available.

Eggs are the latest and it seems one catastrophe after another has coincidentally struck which makes the supply dwindle even further. On top of the avian flu, farmers are reporting that their chickens are not producing eggs in normal amounts, if at all. This last Saturday an egg producers hen house burned down killing over 100 thousand chickens. In some places, eggs are now near 10 dollars a dozen and I heard on the radio today that the prediction is they could go to 18 dollars a dozen. A cheap and plentiful source of food and protein is being priced beyond the ability of people, especially the poor to afford them.

But it isn’t just eggs, it’s everything. I made my third trip to Wal-Mart today in a week. The dog food I buy has gone from 1.56 a can last week to 1.82 a can today. A year ago it was .89 cents a can. Lunch meat is now 7.50 for anywhere from a 7 to 9 ounce package and coffee was just reduced from a 12 to 11 ounce bag for the same 12 ounce price. Heavy cream is 5.69 a quart, cheese packages have shrunk from 8 to 6 ounce packages…How about baby formula? Is it back in stock yet?

Where the hell is this improvement TJ Biden is talking about? We are being turned into a third world country at a rate that can’t be by accident. Meanwhile Democrats are flooding the country with millions of illegals and giving away our tax dollars to care for them. It’s almost as if this administration is trying to cause massive food shortages, let millions of Americans eventually starve, steal our financial resources, make us destitute, then replace us with a ready supply of people already used to third world conditions, who still would be better off here than home.

Eating out has become prohibitive. Last week I went to Wendy’s and ordered just a sandwich and fries- no drink. OVER 12 BUCKS! Everywhere we go, food is becoming more expensive and staple items harder to find.

I’ve been stocking up from Aldi, and even their prices are going up. Probably will end up giving up meat altogether. It can’t be just Joe’s senility and incompetence. This has got to be deliberate…


They started building a corral around us in the 40’s, building up government “agencies” that were never intended by our Founders. It was easy for them to pass law after law because the numbers of Americans who believed in freedom were dwarfed by the European immigrants who did not. So, ever so gently, we’ve been overcome. We’re already defeated. Conservatives shout and wave their arms about “losing our freedom”, but don’t really have their heart in it because they don’t really believe in freedom. The same government that sets “moral standards” will also have the power to opress us all. You think they’ll go after “the bad guys”, but they are the bad guys.

Inch by inch, step by step, only it is getting more obvious. And the minions keep saying “MORE PLEASE!”.


Then go buy yourselves some chickens! I work with a woman who’s always asking me if I want some eggs. For free. I can’t go through them fast enough.

Not an option for most people. And the problem isn’t just chickens.


So much for that good ol’ conservative self-reliance I’ve always heard so much about.



The OP isn’t just about chickens. Chickens are an example to back up the premise.

Should he also buy all of the animals required to produce lunch meat, make his own dog food and become a manufacturer for everything he consumes?

Is it just him or the entire country that is feeling the price increases?


I think the stupidity in that post was deliberate.

The thread is about an overall problem. Addressing an individual symptom is dopey.

I’m convinced you knew that, and just wanted to jab at people. Seems I’m not the only one who sees that.


Laying hens have also drastically increased in price. Used to be able to get them for two or three dollars a chick, now it’s twenty-five to thirty dollars per.

I didn’t notice the chop meat going up. A pound of grass fed chop meat is the same as it was 2 years ago by me.

And as mentioned in the OP, even people who have chickens, many of their hens aren’t laying, appears to be a big brand feed problem because if they switch to a local feed they start laying again.

i was at the store yesterday
ham is 8.99/lb from the deli counter
eggs where 4.29/dozen
coffee is still in 12 oz bags
a mcdonalds quarter lb meal with fries and a drink is 8.69 delivered via doordash

as to inflation overall for the past 6 months the cpi for food is running at a 2% annual change
july +0
august +.1%
september +.4%
october +.4%
november +.1%
december _.1%

Beef prices have been good, good news right? No, it’s because the producers slaughtered more than usual due to the increase in feed stock prices. Those price hikes will be here shortly. That’s why I currently have eight briskets in the garage freezer.


You list 4.29 for a dozen eggs like that’s not highly inflated. They were 1.89 a year ago.


still cheaper than than the 10 a dozen the op complained about

That is the actual price where the story was from. I paid 5.39 for 18 at Kroger. Not 10.00 YET… Where is it going to end?

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For me it will end this spring when I get my own chickens.

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When Wal-Mart does have the box of 60 eggs, it’s usually $18.00 per.

When the Tweet Meanie was in office, it went as low as $4.50.



The way inflation is measured is deceiving. They take into account peoples fixed expenses, and combine those with necessities like food. Because people’s fixed expenses, like their mortgage payment, are usually much larger than the grocery bill, they are able to say misleading things like inflation is only 2 %, knowing that 81 million people will swallow this and cheer.

The reality is that people feel inflation by what’s left AFTER their fixed obligations are met each month, and that the thinking people realize that inflating is killing them, and as a result, our economy. You HAVE to pay your mortgage, and your vehicle payment, and your utilities unless of course, you want to live outdoors, walk, or freeze in your home. While food is a necessity, you DO NOT have to have eggs, or meat, or pets, name brand products or other things like Netflix to survive. THESE are the things, and many others that are becoming “luxuries” that our government is slowly making us get rid of so they can bring us under control. Keep us broke and too concerned about just making ends meet to pay attention to, let alone resist what they’re doing…

The truth is that MANY of our products, food and otherwise, have more than doubled. Dog food going from .89 cents to 1.82? C’mon man, do the math. A 1 pound package of Oscar Mayer beef bologna was 6.49!

Gas prices have nearly doubled, we are paying 25-30% higher utility costs ( at least that’s what I’m paying). We’re being impoverished at an ever increasing rate.

This can’t be by accident. The fact that TJ Biden is the most incompetent person ever elevated to the White House doesn’t explain all that’s going on. The shelves are getting more empty of products every day. Wake up man!