Steele Dossier correct yet again - Cohen was in Prague in the Summer of '16

we are talking about ladies. rules for gentleman are very different


yup. ladies can act how they want but we as men should not allow those changes to decrease treating them properly and respectfully. women are ladies and to be respected…always

the rules are the rules, dont like the rules dont play the game.

Wow. We are going all the way to assuming guilt by Trump without bothering to establish any facts. That only works in internet posting world.

Your rules are not mine. Every woman shall be treated as a lady; until she proves otherwise. Then she gets treated as a woman.

Ridiculous. I have zero respect for that women. Or one that spits in somebody’s face. We could watch hours of youtube showing a clear difference.

well changing the rules of the game midway is not a respectfully way to play the game

Lets not get too excited. I admit that the existence of Trump can be used as evidence of a conspiracy in that without someone named Trump there could be no conspiracy. But that evidence does not make it more or less likely of Trump being involved in a conspiracy.
In other words, I admitted to the existence of lame, useless evidence, if one wants to extend the definition of “evidence” to the extreme…which some poster did.
The use of such weak “evidence” cannot justify setting up an investigation, any more than the existence of anyone can be used as sufficient evidence to investigate them.

not everyone is able to do so, there is no shame in admitting fault and failure. the important thing is to keep trying and not give up

Midway of what? Behavior matters.

midway of the game period of course

And here we were politely disagreeing. Go ask some of the older ladies in your life what they think.

Life? What game period?

i have hence how i have decided to act. its a lonely road but the only road i have ever known

yes life! the rules of the game last all of life and changing the rules midway is not sportsmanlike

I doubt you’ve asked them about this case.

you would be surprised. skype is a wonderful tool

Balderdash. But I can see you’re having fun. Enjoy your Saturday.

All I see is a repetitive repeating of the same points by the same person.