States see record high cases

Which means the protest cases will start showing up from around this point forward.

Can you explain the rise in SC that started around my 19?

Which means libs will need to pin the blame elsewhere right this minute. :wink:

All the democrats supporting these protests.

Some libs hope to lock the country back down as an election strategy imo.

The citizens will never go for it again. Especially after all the unconcern shown by libs in general about the total lack of social distancing during the riots. :roll_eyes:

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So, here you are talking to me…someone you have labeled a ‘lib’.

Where have I shifted blame for the role I anticipate the protests to play in a rise in COVID 19 cases?

And still, you ignore my questions regarding SC and other states who, as far I know, didn’t have a great deal of protesting.

Why can’t you any those questions?

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Social distancing for churches, not violent criminals. :wink:


Yes of course. Church members are your real criminals not the rioters. :wink:

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The protests my daughters attended insisted on masks and asked participants to remain 6 feet apart. Which they reported happened for about 75% of the protest. It was easy during the speeches, hard during the marching.

The protest we attended as a family, in our extremely liberal small town…same thing - masks required. Admittedly hard to police, but I’d say 97% adhered to. Social distancing during the speeches was easy to adhere to since it is relatively small, and they closed the main street.

The extremely liberal mayor started her comments by imploring everyone to take steps necessary to stay safe and encouraged everyone in attendance to get tested.

We choose not to because we arrived late - intentionally - and stayed far to the outside of the crowd. IT was no different for us than walking through the park.

But again, ours was a small town protest. Nothing like the mobs in the large cities.

My point is, to say lies no longer care about COVID is disingenuous, not supported by the facts I am aware of.

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All those fires and destruction I saw aren’t supporting my facts?


Please disregard what you actually(live coverage) saw on the news. :wink:


You know the party affiliation of arsonists and looters?

My mayor speaking - I know she is liberal.

I don’t know the political leanings of some criminal stealing sneakers on the TV.

Come on man.

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And… What do you propose doing about it? I ain’t skeered.

Yes. And so do you. Don’t play goofy games. Antifa doesn’t wear MAGA hats.

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Michigan is doing well at the moment, in our region (2N) we have 2 million people and had only 2 new cases yesterday. Numbers are down across the board. We could be bottoming out soon and have next to zero cases statewide. Yesterday it was around 50 cases.

As far as deaths go, our region has had 4 deaths in the last week. combined.

See? If you stick with the CDC guidelines, good things happen. Open too early and things can go south. Good thing our Governor didn’t bend to the crazies storming our capital and stuck with the plan.


She can’t figure out the party but for some reason she always nows somebody-sister, brother, uncles dog who did this or that.


This governor?

From Gov. Whitmer responds to lack of social distancing at protests against police brutality -