Some Truths About The 2nd Amendment and Guns

Yes, do that.

Watch there be a headline shooting before the vote.

You can kill three people with each shot using a suppressor dontchaknow.

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The cop lobby convinced them they need to hear the gunshots to save them. Probably Darryl Gates.

Even cops know that bullets travel faster than sound. But I suppose their Uinon leaders don’t.


And it’s easy to lie about.


that was done with the 17th

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Been a while since I looked into the issue, but the ATF really painted itself into a corner on suppressors and some other accessories. It’s just going to take the right legislation or the right judge to fix it.

ATF logic: this object falls under our purview because it’s a firearm, we can also restrict, fine, and tax this item because it’s not a firearm.


Did you know that the thread size on automobile oil filters is the same as the standard suppressor threads? Tax that ATF. :wink:

Not quite. But there’s adapters you can buy.

They are marketed for putting a filter on the end of your rifle so you can dump solvent down the barrel and not make a mess……. That’s the “claim” anyways. Wink wink nod.

Google: Solvent Trap Adapter. I bought some years ago on Amazon. lol. Lost them all on the boat accident

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