Solar panels and Homelessness in Cal

Don’t pretend that is free market. Both state and federal programs are incentivizing it.

Lack of space is not the primary reason why California price of homes and cost of living are going up.

Not even close. It’s market capitalism in “communist California”

Just like with hydro sites on rivers, the number of potential tidal power sites are very limited. They also have a significant environmental impact.

Could you link to a commercially viable operation working in tidal change of one foot.


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So, keeping it clear, it’s not they want it badly enough to pay market rates for it, but they’ll take it if you slap some nice subsidies on it as incentive.

Those subsidies are a good thing, just like California’s idea to require that most new homes have solar panels installed.

i would be very surprised if California zoning laws allow developers to put in high density housing whers developers already want to.

The free market would lower home prices RIGHT QUICK! (crushing the only asset of many middle-class families in the process.)

I was listening to an interview on this issue a few days ago. California will mandate all new construction have solar panels beginning in 2020. The guest also said that California’s solar homes were producing excess energy, so to prevent overloads, they decided to sell their excess energy to adjacent states. They had no takers, so they tried to give it away - again, no takers. They wound up paying other states (I think AZ is one of them) to take the excess.

As for the homeless problem - a young relative lives in SoCal, what had been a very nice area. This person told me that there has been a real uptick in the homeless population, their apartment building was broken into by a homeless person. A long-time resident of SoCal, they are now talking about leaving the state.

Solar panels have nothing to do with the homeless. Thread fail.

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You have no clue. Lack of space due to state mandates is exactly what is driving it. It is almost impossible to start a new housing development on virgin ground in the state.;_ylt=Awr9DWjSWPZaCI8AYitXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA21jYWZlZQRncHJpZAN2NFl4bXFBN1JTNkpCME1hT3llSGxBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwM0BG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDMARxc3RybAMzNQRxdWVyeQNjYWxpZm9ybmlhJTIwbm8lMjBncm93dGglMjBwb2xpY2llcwR0X3N0bXADMTUyNjA5NDM5Ng--?p=california+no+growth+policies&fr2=sb-top&fr=mcafee&type=D211US1264G0

I’m not sure where you’re getting that. California still has serious issues with respect to electrical power.

Respectfully Wildrose,
Raising or lowering housing prices will not put a dent in homelessness.

We are talking about people who can’t get a McJob, or keep a McJob many can’t even stay on food stamps (no phone no mail.)

Almost 100% are addicts or mentally ill (or both). The few who aren’t, either get off the street in a few months or have disorders such as opposition defiance disorder.

They need a SS card and a state issued photo ID. To get that they need better habits, a birth certificate, a mailing address and a phone number.

Ya wanna help?

No, actually there are a lot of homeless in CA who have jobs, there just isn’t any housing available and millions more packing two or three times the number of people a given hovel is designed for into it for the same reasons.

Many more who start off employed, lose a home because they can’t afford it for whatever reason and then get into a tailspin.

Affordable housing is a thing of the past in CA and is a direct reflection of the cost of living spiraling out of control.

In a normal market people start out small, and cheap and work their way up as their incomes grow but that’s just not even a possibility for most people there.

Compare the cost of a modest 30-50 year old single family home of a 1,000sq/ft in CA to say Oklahoma or Alabama or just look at the cost of living by state and you’ll see the root of the problem.

Look as well as the no growth policies in CA that prevent the development of virgin properties that drives those prices through the roof.

I see the opposite in other places where vast amounts of gov’t money were poured into subsidized housing where as a result older homes sit vacant and rotting because it’s cheaper to get a subsidized home.


This guest said that CA wouldn’t buy the power, adjacent states wouldn’t buy the power, they wouldn’t take it for free and for some insane reason CA paid another state to take it?

I call bull ■■■■■

Just so you folks can know the correct opinion, (sheesh, I’m surprised no one has asked me yet.)

California should scrap the current law and instead provide tax incentives for all new homes with roofs facing south and a vertical slope if 19 deg… Thus allowing the best possible solar angle positioning for use at whatever time solar panels reach an efficiency that is acceptable to the home owner.


In Texas not only are there state and federal subsidies for alternative energy you can get kickbacks from the power companies for installing them as well and any excess power you produce has to be purchased by your provider (assuming you aren’t completely off grid) at wholesale rates.

Strap Solar Panels on the homeless and let them live on the roofs of Governent buildings.


Please stop. My ribs are going to be aching for a week.