Socialist Gov. Murphy turns NJ citizens into tax slaves to benefit illegal entrants

I prefer the term independent libertarian. :wink:

If then, sue.

The knockdown for your me a slave debate is that I have no problem with paying taxes, somebody has to keep leeches like you afloat.

Correct. And since labor is convertable to money, when the government demands that you surrender a portion of your money as tribute to them, they in effect are exploiting your labor. i.e. slavery.

That simply makes you a willing slave, you know, like the freed slaves after the civil war who stayed on the plantation and continued to work for the “master.”

Can’t be a willing slave.

Of course you can. Haven’t you ever heard of “domestic slavery”?

And of course, there were (are?) indentured slaves, who actually signed up for it.

Money is the fruit of labor in today’s world. Where does abuse of sharecroppers fit in?

For a person who portrays himself as being the fountain of all knowledge when it comes to the characteristics of slavery, it is rather telling that you shy away from addressing a post to you titled Direct vs indirect taxation and slavery



The unavoidable truth is, our Fifth Column democrat political leaders’ plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by confiscating and redistributing the paychecks of millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

Indentured slaves were forced to pay a debt.


10 c

Do we still have sharecroppers?

That they volunteered to take on. Like you, they were willing slaves.

Ah nope they were forced.

Yup. You are right. The citizens of NJ are being forced to finance the economic needs of illegal entrants. And in that respect they have been made into tax slaves beholden to illegal entrants and their children.


Prove it, lets see the money trail.

No they were not, except by their circumstances. They chose to agree to serve an indenture as a means out of their circumstances. They were not sold into slavery, they either volunteered or were volunteered by parents or guardians.

Sorry not willing.

Can they change their mind? If not, then they are being forced.