So why haven't the arbiters of racism denounced Darwin?


10 ch

So some races are more evolved than others?

Just like Twain and his use of ■■■■■■ in his writings.


More evolved implies there is some sort of goal. Evolution has no goal.

The goal is survival.

Could you explain what the “ape black” connection is and how it fits into evolutionary biology please?

If God created us in his image, then why did he make different races?

Darwin said that, not me.

Nothing new. The left has been misplaying the race card for decades and racism only goes one way in their books. :roll_eyes:

The only thing consistent about progressives is they lie. They have no core values, period:

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Where in that video does she advocate eugenics? Why did you even post the damn thing?

I don’t care on whit about Hillary Clinton

Progressives hated Jim Comey, until the fell in love with the guy. They have no core values, everything is for expedience. Both Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage, until they weren’t. I recall Obama’s "I will go through the budget line by line and delete unnecessary spending. " He called the national debt unamerican. We all saw how committed he was to that. Eugenics is not the only flip flop, its just one of many as that video illustrated. Listing all the flip flops would requires hours.

The inconsistent application of the Roseann Rule, Hollywood sex perverts public support of feminism etc, Hollywood’s anti NRA speeches while living with armed security
the list is endless

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So that means they want eugenics?

Are you off your meds or something? You are making absolutely no sense whatsoever dude.

Didn’t say that. Progressives lie, if they really were against racism they would be against Darwinism, its where the racist root lives.

They don’t say WHITE people in Africa came from monkeys.

No it doesn’t imply any such thing. It is simply a snapshot in time.

Evolution has no goal? You sure about that?

So its impossible for people to change their mind, got it.

That’s because people didn’t come from monkeys.

Clearly, Darwin is racist. His theory is racist. So why haven’t the arbiters of racism denounced Darwin?

Progressives lie, if they really were against racism they would be against Darwinism, its where the racist root lives.

They don’t say WHITE people in Africa came from monkeys.
