So Soon? Thanks Donnie

Those Bosnian snipers were some real bigots toward her.


You don’t know?



Except when it’s trump. He, you embrace even though he does exactly what you describe.

Unlike you, I don’t presume to know everything.

But the evidence so far being presented here calls this assumption into question…:sunglasses:

Doesn’t Biden have a war story about his helicopter being forced down in a hostile area?


How can trump fans be upset at anyone making fun of other people?

Height of hypocrisy.

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The thing is Jay, I actually do know everything. It’s not a presumption.

I know, I know but…can a Hillaryite even imagine how bad it would have been if you’d won? :sunglasses:

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The pilot had bone spurs that miraculously disappeared.

The Kid Sniffer has all sorts of stories, some that would land a normal predator in jail. lol


Nah, that’s not it.

Who did the false impeachment move to the left that wasn’t already there? The lefts utter disdain for anyone who isn’t a radical leftist is so blatant. Every comment from Obama saying Christians are bitterly clinging to their Bible’s and guns to Hillary calling Trump supporters deplorable to this latest bit of elitist, leftist snobbery doesn’t move Trump’s base at all. You guys are too stupid to realize these constant insults DO affect the undecideds and independents, and they are the ones who will make the difference.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. By all means, keep the contempt coming towards those undecideds so Trump supporters can see that look of total shock on your faces on election night as you guys try and figure out how you lost yet again…


We aren’t upset. We are laughing :joy: at the stupidity of shooting yourselves in your own political foot. :sunglasses:

You guys? Who are these “guys” you’re referencing?

Libs projecting their anger onto us when in reality we’re laughing at how angry and little they’re being? Say it ain’t so! :sunglasses:



  1. What office is CNN running for?

  2. You think insulting people is a winning strategy. Your candidate engaged in whole sale insulting, and you rewarded him with your vote and your very strong support. Why would you see someone else insulting people as a bad thing?

Pretending CNN isn’t The Voice of Libism. Cute.

My bad… The leftists.

They just hate being shown time and again that we’re better than they are! :rofl: