So…Jan 6 was just a protest gone out of control but Rudy…


Video says the kid who slapped him called him an expletive as he hit him. You think that was a pat on the back? What would your reaction be if some Republican did that to Biden ( well, actually they would have to pick up the pieces after SS got through with him.


Exactly the same. And sorry, but expletives do not generally make patting on the back painful.

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It depends on how hard that “pat” was on a 78 year old. That is not a fellow youth he is doing that to. You can do that very hard with your hand held flat.
Motivation tells most of it. He was taken into custody.

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If you say so. Judging by that video, he didn’t appear to have been hurt.

But yeah, obviously you can’t just walk up to a stranger and put your hands on them, so I’m not surprised the guy was arrested.

A statement from Rudy will be he hasn’t been this traumatized since the events of 9/11


“Scumbag”? It’s not an expletive.

That’s just how people in New York greet each other.


Especially because his blood-alcohol level was also 9.11.


Ba da bing!

NYC values.

Perfect timing

Just a fact, unwanted touching is assault/battery in some states. Doesn’t mean he was greatly harmed or injured. Best to keep your hands to yourself.

He will get a slap on the wrist.



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If that injured Rudy he needs to be bubble wrapped


New York requires an intent to injure, and an actual injury, even for Third-Degree Assault.

Ok hadn’t looked into their particulars. But good luck proving he didn’t experience substantial pain, pretty low bar. Because you left that one out.

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Methinks you need to listen to Rudy’s narration of the event to get the point…:rofl:


His narration is ■■■■■■■■■ this is a nothing burger.

Have to be careful around the old and frail though. Reminds me of my first girlfriends grandfather who decided to start a pulling contest when I shook his hand, I let go, wasn’t about to get in a tug of war with a septuagenarian, he fell, guess who got the blame. He was like eighty, flat on his ass on a concrete driveway with me stammering about it being his fault. Didn’t go over well. Valuable lesson though, doesn’t always matter who’s fault it is in the court of public opinion.