So how do we feel about Gov Noem sending National Guard to the Southern Border?



How is it germane?

I posted before I was finished. It has now been edited.

Does it?

Yeah… that is totally like sending fifty people across state line for a politcal stunt paid for by a super donor.

At least AOC went and did the stunt herself. Noem doesn’t even have that in her. She gets other people to do it and other people to pay for it and takes all the credit.

Too lazy to do it herself.

A shining example of today’s GOP.


Looks like it

We’ll see.

Well, I doubt Biden actually would do it, but he could.

Why wouldn’t he?

Apparently it would be fine if the money were taken by the government by force, but providing it willingly is a problem.

It would give Noem ammunition.

Now she is just sending fifty people away on a useless task. If Biden stops it she can turn around and say how weak he is on border security even though they wouldn’t make a difference in the first place.

Mind you, this is my opinion. I am not in the room.

Having said that, Biden has already royally peeved off red state America. There is no sense in picking this fight. It can’t do any harm, and who knows? It might help.

My beef with this whole thing is doing it at the behest of a private citizen.

Who, it looks like, is using funds from their charitable tax shelter to pay for it.

States created the federal government, same applies.

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Do you know what they will be doing at the border? Curious as to how you know it will be useless.

Fifty people are going to make the big difference.

They are going to really show the 17,000 border control agents already there how it is done.


So if the same thing were being done using money taken by force there would be no problem? The problem is that funding is provided willingly? This is not a private army. It is still under the control of an elected governor and based on their decision that protecting their state is important. Too bad we don’t have a president who feels the same way about the country.

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Ok. So the problem is that more aren’t being sent.