So do democrats still believe

Than stop it…

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They had nothing to do with that law.

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These are all good ones. The school is not. After the Virginia election the whole crt thing is no longer being shouted from the rooftops. The complaints have reverted to common core garbage.

Listen closer.


The lefts records in illegal immigration. Records in high crime. Record high grocery prices. Fake men taking over women sports. The left showing how they are anti sematic. Record homelessness. An infrastructure bill that is nothing but a green deal push with little infrastructure being built. Record deficit. The left showing, they are war mongers. Now they are showing how racist they still are with their no whites allowed parties. And there is more but keep your fingers in your ears and the voters will fix things and kick the left to the curb.


When the alternative is a guy that talks openly about terminating the constitution and being dictator for a day, that really doesn’t give Americans a good alternative, does it?

I have taken an oath to support and defend the constitution of the US on 3 occations - and that is an oath I still take seriously to this day. That automatically eliminates Trump (as well as anyone he endorses or who endorses him) when I’m considering my vote. To vote in such a way would be a violation of that sacred oath I took.


oh dont ask me…. ask the people in this poll

maybe all this marvelous prosperity just hasnt hit them yet

From the polls your party is not well liked. Maybe your party needs to take a good look at themselves.

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Not to worry - there are still actual conservatives like myself who are ready and willing to stand opposed to Trump’s War on Conservatives.


You voted for the dictator in the White House. So, you can get down off the high horse. Bet you vote for the old senile pervert again. So much for defending the constitution.


Get back to me when you figure out what a dictator actually is.

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agree. but with decay drivers like mass media, cnn, etc…changes the calculus

why dont you think decay is decay?

Why should they? They’re US Senators not State of Texas legislators. The USSC Roe v Wade decision sent abortion rights and legislation to the states. All questioning US Senators about abortion is an attempt to get them on either a record of favorable or an unfavorable opinion to use against them.

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Now just who is using his pen to ban guns? Just who censored voices he did not want heard? Just who is flooding the country with illegals? Just who is jailing people he hates? Just who is sic’ing his DOJ on citizens making their voices heard at their schools? Just who mandated people get the vac? Just who decided he could wipe out college debt all on his own? And just like I knew you would defend the old dictator you voted for. And you will be voting for him again in 2024. Seems you need to get off that high horse before you fall off.

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It would help if lots of Republicans, would stop being jealous of Demoncrat lack of money and thieving integrity and stop caring mainly for their own dirty pockets, trying to outdo the leftists to look good to the madmen Globalists.

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no argument here!

part of the decay equation


You’re repeating the right wing media talking points, pushing the ■■■■■■■■ that things suck.

not to mention how ineffective leadership has the world on brink of world war again

how many support us sending billions after billions to corrupt-istan biden partner Ukraine while people work their asses off day and night….


I wasn’t asking about polls. I was asking where the disaster was.

i know. i can see why

focus on lefty lulu news talking points