Sneaky's Legacy on Central American Children

I noticed there were questions in my post that went unanswered. So try answering them.

holy cow.

proud of our military and your service!

What have you done to help the people from the countries flooding our border claiming asylum?

If Trump didn’t dodge the draft, you think he’d be helping people this way?

They aren’t worth answering. Flag it.

I wasn’t drafted. Where were you?

Are humblebrag posts going to be the new standard in political discussion here? “What have we personally done to help in some situation that we can tie to a political topic of the day?”

… and here’s the real reason this thread was posted.

I get it. The answers aren’t fun.

I’m sorry that hurts you.

You can post whatever you feel is appropriate.

They are stupid questions. I get it, it’s hard to look at.

I wasn’t alive. And if I were, I wouldn’t be able to dodge the draft in the way Coward Trump did using daddy’s money.

You betcha. And to show how long this has been going on. You betcha.

You’re alive now. What have you done to help these people flooding our border?

A humblebrag from 30 years ago. So clearly the help offered then helped solve the problem? Great job, Reagan!

I prefer virtue signaling. Feel free to contribute your own to any assistance you’ve provided to the children of CA.

Perhaps if we get enough, we can create a legacy that will offset damage done by Obama and Trump’s legacies.

Oh and 7th Group has teams there now, I’m just not on them.

Oh and I’m not humble, no reason to be.

Humblebrag and virtual signaling are not the same thing.

And, as you mentioned earlier, this isn’t just a Trump/Obama thing. Your picture is proof.

Reagan helped make this problem.

You were a combat medic right? I remember you saying that a while back.

Thank you for your service.

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Special Operations Medical Sergeant. SF Medic or “Delta” in common language.

No need to thank me, but thank you.

Ok, that’s from the time in uniform and on uncle Sam’s dime. How about the history when you were down there not in US uniform.