Shutdown: How long could you last?

What resources will pay their utility bills? What resources will put food on the table? If these workers have to resort to go to food banks then this country is more screwed up than I thought

Can you tell me how much of this non-essential government did Trump cut when he controlled it all for 2 years?

You constantly recite right wing talking points yet are never able to add any substance to them.

I might disagree with posters like @altair1013 but at least he makes the effort to substance to his posts and put together a coherent argument for his stance.

Given the polling I’ve seen on what percentage of voters approve of funding for a wall, I’d say the GOP is going to lose that argument…

Most Americans do not want a wall.

Republicans are putting American lives and the economy at risk in order to get something that the majority of Americans do not want.

Anyone who doesn’t have 3 months of take home pay saved for employment emergencies is living beyond their means and an idiot, most likely also have lots of high interest debt to boot.

Why does the wall have to be funded for them to be paid?

Our representatives have already voted to get them paid but Cocaine Mitch won’t even bring it to the floor

Are you suggesting that a large percentage of TSA officers should quit their jobs and seek better employment?

Fair nuff :slight_smile: Makes sense to me that way :slight_smile:

Sounds like you’re calling all of our country’s law enforcement officers a bunch of idiots

No, I am suggesting that people who can’t handle small emergencies (thar take away months of income) go read this:

They aren’t.

The Senate (GOP & DEMs) pass funding for airport security (along with the rest of the government impacted such as the CBP, ICE, Food Inspectors, Air traffic Controllers, etc.) in December.

The House (Representatives) have passed funding for airport security (along with the rest of the government impacted such as the CBP, ICE, Food Inspectors, Air traffic Controllers, etc.) since the new congress has convened and it’s now McConnell at the direction of Trump that will not allow a vote on clean appropriations/CR.

It’s Trump that is holding federal employees and operations hostage for his “Mission Accomplished” wall.

People that can’t deal with emergencies are idiots and living beyond their means.

Heh, former home remodeler here. Knob and tube = a whole lotta work I don’t wanna do, lol.

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So when you get calls about helping the families of firefighters and police do you call them idiots and tell them to pull themselves back up by their bootstraps?

Meh. Blink.

My wife’s home had this. I replaced with romex and placed a new 150amp panel. This was of course after I found out the old wiring wouldn’t run the floor sander. I backed up twice in the remodel on that house. I was going for clean and sell and ended up replacing electrical and plumbing.

For not having any sabings and living beyond their means? Please provide a link to that.

Y’all had two years with both houses of congress and the White House.

If this was an existential threat, like you’re positing with your post, you must be really, really pissed at Republicans for putting the country at risk.

How so?


Easy…when they had that breakfast and trump said he would primary anyone who didn’t tow the line…