Should the US send another occupation force into Haiti?

So umm
How did all the black people get on one side of the island
and all the latinos on the other?

Must have been a gentle voluntary process and has zero impact on the economy there today, right?

Don’t be so dismissive. Grammar conveys meaning. If you use improper grammar it’s likely that you will be misunderstood.

Sounds like a good research project for you. We await the results. :wink:

They took out loans because of a debt imposed on them at the point of a gun.

It wasn’t all that willingly.

Never said that they were.

I don’t disagree with any of that… because as I have said… the debt isn’t the cause of all of the problems in Haiti… it was for sure a large contributing factor.

That is not a controversial statement to make.

The US shouldn’t get involved in Haiti. I said that at the beginning

Grammar nit picking is a dumb thing to do during an informal conversation and it serves nothing.

They slaughtered a bunch of people.

History is messy.

You know it wasn’t grammar nit picking.

I was pointing out that you were dragging up something France did 200 years ago and pretending the US is doing it today.

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I wasn’t.

Grammer is neither nitpicking nor dumb. Proper grammar is fundamental to the language. Dismissing grammar as serving no purpose in a conversation is an ignorant thing to say. That’s how ■■■■ languages like Ebonics get a foothold.

Alright, well I can’t make my case without sounding like the grammar police

I do believe that “40% of the GDP is going to service a century old debt fueled by reparations” is as factually untrue as saying “The US Army is right now invading Normandy.”

Let me ask you this.

Is ethic diversity a strength?? I mean if on nation, or one company or one sports tema suddenly eliminated everyone formit rank that was of the “wrong race” would that country just live happily ever after?

You see I think doing that sort of ethnic cleansing would cause financial harm and that financial harm would have lasting repercussions . . . of course.

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It is not in dispute that Haiti committed 40% of it’s income in settling the debt that was forced onto it,

Seriously… What the ■■■■■

Ken Burns once asked his viewers to imagine what would happen if every black athlete were pushed out of the sport of baseball all at once. Would the quality of the game go up or down?

Haiti is an ethnically cleansed society. (I worked with and for a bunch of Haitian when I lived in Florida). For many years after independence, they killed or drove-out every non-black person they could find. The atrocities continued, on a lesser scale in a series of race wars that lasted almost until the time the US stepped in. That is why Hispaniola today is black on one-side, brown on the other (The regime that was in charge most of 1800s was so messed up that mass numbers of the black population left the country.)

I’d have to think that something like that has impact on Haiti today as a long-ago settle debt. It does not work well with the “blame whitey” narrative, but it is appears to be true and certainly would have a lasting impact today.

Until today, I was unaware of the debt payments that fascinate you so much, but it appears the debt was not “reparations” as you say. It is a payment the French required in order to recognize the despotic and ruinous Haitian regime which was being threatened by Spanish Empire at the time.


My observation is that if you look at countries subject to US military intervention and occupation since 1990, that have all fared very poorly. Bosnia, Kosovo, and Serbia are among the poorest countries in Europe. Haiti has been in the same category as Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.

Syria had an expanding economy until 2011 when the US instigated civil war and declared “Assad must go”.

These days, the worst thing for a country is to have the US/NATO NGOs and military come in. They claim to support “democracy and freedom”, but instead they bring civil war, repression, and extreme corruption.

El Salvador, Panama, Colombia (until the Venezuelan invasion). All good.

you may be switching cause and effect.

You also seem to have forgotten Russina intervention in Syria.

Your sentence
"Syria had an expanding economy until 2011 when the US instigated civil war and declared “Assad must go” does both. Amazing. Do you ever blame beloved Russia for anything?

  • Haiti, post revolution, was a site of Holocaustal demographic-chagning mass murder, followed by mass exodus even of its preferred race of people
  • Haiti spent nearly a century fighting a series of apartheid wars trying to conquer the entire island and seatablish a race-base apartheid state.
  • Hait has an economy that is less free than Cuba and closer to that of N Korea.

Haiti is poor today? Must be whitey’s fault.

The US has spent many billions on Haiti over several decades, but the country is no better off.

The US spent huge sums in Afghanistan as well, but it the country is no better off.

Perhaps the problem in both countries has been that the people who have benefited the most from the aid don’t want to see any real improvement because that would end their source of revenue.

In the case of Haiti, the country also serves as a major link in drug trafficking into the US. Who benefits from that trade?

Russia good
America Bad.

Repeat it often enough you’ll belive it eventually.

Yes, anyone does not buy the party line from Washington is labeled a Putin pawn.

Perhaps Syrians would not be starving if the US was not stealing so much of the country’s oil production. Where is that money going?

The last serious review of abuses by the US intel agencies was back in the 1970s. In the early 1990s, there was evidence that the CIA was involved in drug running through Haiti. At this point, there is zero oversight over the intel agencies. How much of Haiti’s problems come from rogue elements of the US government?

So until today you knew nothing about what I was bringing up … but you did a quick search and found that I was wrong.

Cool… cool.

Just think, you could have done that search too. :wink: