Should manufacturers be responsible for products used in violation of the law?

So can water.

I could use the butt of a nerf gun a an assault weapon. :man_shrugging:

I got a new phone recently and had to ā€œopt outā€ on that feature.

Lol no.

Better start banning wasp spray and rat poison. Itā€™s designed solely to kill things and you can use them to kill people through poisoning them.

Also, itā€™s sort of common sense that you shouldnā€™t use a firearm to assault people or commit murder. There are even laws on the books that deal with that very issue.

Itā€™s not Remington or Mossbergā€™s fault that someone decided to murder someone with their products.

The only time you can hold a firearms manufacturer liable is if the firearm is unsafe to use and can harm the user. If harm to the user occurs due to the fault of the firearm (and itā€™s being used correctly), then you can sue.


Sure, how many mass murders by rat poisoning and wasp spray?

That mass murderers usually choose guns doesnā€™t mean that is the only way it can be done.

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Itā€™s the best most effective way to target a large group of specific people

Not remotely accurate. Both explosives and arson are more effective and in the case of arson, even easier.


Nopeā€¦ how do you burn 10 people standing in the middle of a Walmart? :rofl:

Wouldnā€™t be remotely difficult, but you would be more likely to just set fire to a crowded club or apartment building full of sleeping people instead. Walmart isnā€™t the only place to find people.

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Actually itā€™s not.

Plenty of individual murders using rat poison.

what other method is there, that is fairly easy to acquire?

Maybe the parents of murderers should be able to be sued until their death for producing children who matured into people who murder people?

In the past, this kind LIB nonsense stood no chance of gaining traction. With very slim DEM majorities in the House and Senate, as well as a conservative SCOTUS you would think once again this would stand no chance.

But things are about to change, pretty much as I predicted.

I still believe DEMs will find a way to eliminate the filibuster, thus opening the door to packing the SCOTUS with 4 additional justices.

Then when this craziness does finally gain traction, the packed LIB SCOTUS will find it to be constitutional. The world as we know it will be forever changed.

All my Humble Opinions of course


the city water board is responsible for any given drowning?


We need a class action lawsuit against the Bar and all lawyers for screwing up the country. :wink:

Separation of Court and the Bar!


Those are easily attainable?

Where do I go to buy one?

Because of its danger and potential use by terrorists, ammonium nitrate is subject to strict regulation in most places. In 2011, according to NBC News, the Department of Homeland Security established rules limiting the sale of the compound, which is also used as an explosive in the construction and mining industries