Should college be free? Good and brief video about this issue

Around whose idea should it be built?

If it were me reforming the system I wouldn’t change much if anything from K to 8, which is not where I had my experience. I’m not saying that it is perfect but having students learn a variety of subjects along with getting a basic education is good. The legitimate question to ask, which very few do, is how much more is that so-called “well rounded” general education beneficial? I can tell you from first hand experience that having a student take classes that they have little to no interest in or minimal ability for does no one any good.

Thank you for your response. There are many people in virtually all types of disciplines and careers making a good living. An the fact is that any particular discipline can get saturated, which includes STEM professions as well. I recall a few years back a friend of mine’s daughter graduated with an Engineering degree and couldn’t find a job. There are no guarantees with any particular major. Nonetheless did you get the chance to read this link I posted earlier:

The author talked about how other countries approach education, which I think would be something we should to some extent implement here.

Is that where you went?

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Yes. But I got a degree in engineering as well, which I paid for entirely myself. Can I get a rebate on that? It only seems fair if college education is going to be free.

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We’ve had universities in this country since the mid-1600s. Never was free. Why now?

Good question. :thinking:

My eldest had a double major in Art and Teaching plus a masters.

She paints quite well but her employment has been as an art teacher in a large public school system for over 15 years now.

My other 2 work in HR departments though the youngest majored in English.

The youngest is as talented in painting and sketching as the oldest but went a different route as to employment.

p.s. The middle child and I can’t even draw a stick horse. :roll_eyes:

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Although know it is not a popular idea on this forum, looking at other country’s education systems could be a way to make the changes. See what works, and implement it here.

And I am referring to doing this at the state level, that meet federal guidelines.

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It could be. Starting with high school.

I can’t believe we have to pay to send everybody to college because libs ■■■■■■ up high school so bad and we think 4 more years of the same ■■■■ is the solution.


Depends. Some countries decide who goes to college and who goes to trade school.

I would be 100 percent against the government making such a decision for people.

Should start in kindergarten, through High school.

Maybe model it a bit like the military. Depending on test scores, determines what field of study or work one qualifies for, with multiple options. Then the person chooses.

Ok, go right ahead.

I’m against the government being involved in making the choices at all.

Especially based on test scores. For example 2 of my children struggled a bit in Jr high but had excellent grades in college.

If it’s going to be “free”, the government is involved.

Well, if the job market is going to require a college education to get a good job, its only fair that someone else should pay for that required education, right?

Absolutely. Why should someone be taxed to indoctrinate an adult or near adult, even if they want to indoctrinate themselves?
If someone is going to get a free education there should be a societal benefit at the end. Remember “Northern Exposure”? The Doctor got a free medical education but agreed to work in a small town that needed a doctor for several years.
Same sort of thing could be done for teachers.
Its nice to be well rounded but if society is paying for it then it needs the benefit.

And why all this talk about doing it “nationally”. If NY can do it so can other states…if the people in those states so choose.

Here is an interesting commentary on the topic of free tuition by Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post that was printed in today’s paper. She makes some very interesting points … against free tuition.

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It is truly an amazing experience watching the changes and challenges they go through.