you believe this?



I believe Trump is cool.

Seriously cool.

Yeah, we get it. You don’t like him. Vote. So far you’re only making him a folk hero.

Like maybe Politico or the HuffPo? :rofl: If you mean a site that has not picked sides, there are none.

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I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend that Trump’s been messin’ around…

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That doesn’t say anything about the poster…

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Keep avoiding addressing Trumps actions.

You know Charles Manson was a folk hero among a lot of people.


Trump is somebody’s hero? I’ve got to meet this person. I have so many questions.


I think that’s because the first two friends have literally been barred from testifying, by the president.

Was he an outsider who told it like it is and angered the establishment?

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When it’s convenient for him, of course. Or anyone on the left.

Yeah, not like Dennis Kucinich ever tried to impeach Bush or anything… oh wait…

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What President ever accepted blame for anything?

Obama for “if you like your doctor”



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You 2 really believe this crap you’re spewing?

Did we watch the same video? Still denying reality huh?

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what should I believe the full unedited clip or the 10 second edited clip…

that is a hard one.

Whichever makes for the better meme.

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Most asinine comment ever made during a congressional hearing since the old “Guam Might Tip Over” crack.

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