September 11, NEVER Forget!

Good Lord.

From the OP;

Over the years, on Hannity, we have shared our experiences of this dark day. If you want to share or remember, I offer this as a place.

May God bless you and yours, and give you comfort this day.

Never forget huh… Ok

Ok look, she is!

Kyle Lamb addressing her lie. He is the real deal.

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She needs to apologize for lying about Gothic Serpent.

The Rangers and Delta operators were just trying to survive. They took every precaution to avoid civilian casualties even after nearly every militia in the city literally came down on top of them. The militia was using women as human shields to engage the Americans trying to rescue the crews of the downed UH-60s.

How the hell was she even elected?

NEVER Forget!

I decided not to bug, and sat on my front porch watching the white and green top choppers bugging out at treetop level to the NW.


I still remember that day, coming into the living room and my dad lifting me up onto his lap. I was too young to know the terror that was going on, let alone not having any common sense or social skills.

My dad left soon to take my older brother to school, and my twin brother came into the room. I now remember seeing the second plane, on Fox, hit the other twin tower. I understood then, that it really wasn’t some movie; my dad was right- the country was in danger. I didn’t show my emotions much when I was in pre-school, so I watched silently and wide-eyed.

I don’t rememer anything else.

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Today, President Wilson mentioned 9/11 in Chapel, as well as the events that plagued each generation- for the Silent generation, it was WWI and WWII. For Boomers, it was WWII, Vietnam War, and the Korean War. For Gen X, it was Vietnam. For Millennials, it was 9/11. For Gen Z, it was 9/11 for the early Gen Zs and now COVID-19 for the more recent-borns.

He went on to say that Satan tries to get into our hearts and minds so he can disrupt our spirits. He incorporated it into the 5-day series on the crossame (today was the last day) by stating that when Jesus died on the cross, he took sin and evil with him. He freed us all, and blazed the path to get into Heaven. That the days of God’s punitive punishments were over, because Jesus had suffered for us. Satan was there outside of Jeruselum, silently rejoicing in Jesus’ suffering and brutal death. But he never won.

Back to the present- there seems to be many evils going on in the world. From embracing abortion, to COVID-19, to riots in the streets. He predicted that a great revival of the same magnitude is soon going to sweep the world. Judgement day might be coming soon, as referenced in Revelations.