Senator Fetterman News Notes Overcoming Stroke

Fetterman voted to “default” yesterday.

Did he know what he was voting for?

Any sound bites of him explaining that Nay?

Don’t hold your breath.




He said he didn’t like the SNAP changes.

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That is what his staff…Luke Borwegan…put out to the media. I would like to see Fetterman comment on this after calling for the 14th amendment skullduggery.

I am good with everyone who voted for “default” being replaced no matter which party they belong to.


The work requirement is very unfair to those who would rather starve than work.


Oh. Clearly so. Or, if he actually expressed this concern, the word salad would be carefully cleaned up.

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Good to see our Senator on his feet and with the people he represents!

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Incredibly there is no video or audio of Senator Fetterman.

So what was Big John up to this week?

Selling psychedelic mushrooms as a treatment for mental issues.

It is a rather surreal sight to see a person who sounds under the influence of a psychotropic trying to rally support for making it legal and acceptable for more of our fellow citizens to have their minds chemically altered.

Big John chimes in at the 48:20 mark.

Big John is focused in like a laser on his priorities.

If only he had some shrooms he might not have been hospitalized for a month for Depression.

Could we be any more stupid to tolerate this?

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Shorts and a hoodie.


Did you hear his comments on the I95 collapse in the Senate?

It was horrific.

I will try and find it

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Here it is.

He appears to have the functional capacity of a normal 14 year old child.

And again but this time in hoodie

Fetterman stumbles through remarks with Biden, PA officials while wearing hoodie and shorts


Dems should be ashamed of themselves.


Yes they should.

That seat is safe enough for them.

a bridge that I drove over just the night before with my young son.

riiiiiigggghhhhtttt! :roll_eyes:

Brand on Fetterman on a stage together. Only thing missing was Cacklin’ Fweedom

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Hahahaha. You’re adorable.