Senate Republicans Rebuke Trump

Interesting claim you knew that. I remember the explosion of anger at Jeff Flake the few times he questioned Trump. Now Senators question Trump’s policy and there is no pushback. There has been a shift in the tone of the Republicans towards Trump in the past few weeks… readily discernible.

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It’s pretty evident that McConell only sees Trump good for one thing at this point- as someone who will make court appointments.

Other than that I think he and most people f the GOP senate are done- on foreign policy, the border wall, tariffs- they are going to start working against the president. I’ve always been waiting for the turtle to backstab Trump. Looks like we’ve arrived at that point.

That’s what I was thinking when I read Doug’s post. Republicans even coined a term for not marching “lock step.”

Unlike Dubya, Donald’s stench defies political gravity.

Remains to be seen, but right now it feels like Republican pushback against Donald is mere lip service. When their criticism puts their careers at significant risk, then maybe there’s bite behind their bark.

Flake didn’t stop voting for judicial nominees because he disagreed with them or thought them unqualified. He voted against them due to an unrelated bill to protect Mueller (who is nice and safe anyway. I was talking about people who disagreed on issues, not Flake.

Its the wrong issue. If I have an issue with my house I don’t have my car worked on.

Yeah…they surrendered their values SO DAMN QUICK!

GOP now stands for grab onto ■■■■■■


You really should qualify your “they”.

As a member of the GOP for 4 decades I didn’t sellout, as a matter of fact I quite enjoy the occassional “We tried to tell you” or “I told you so”.

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