Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) Guest of Honor at Communist Party USA Annual Event!

Yup, ol’ Tricky Dick was there to applaud the winners of its annual Amistad Awards & even gave out “certificates of special recognition” from the United States Senate.

He took some heat over his participation there & is now lying about it, saying he didn’t know it was Communist…

Yeah, sure Dick…


No surprise other than he got caught. Blumenthal and a number of other dems are cozy with the communists.


Communists vote too.


No different from showing up to a national socialist rally…


I’m delighted to be invited anywhere

  • Sen Richard Blumenthal, just wanting to be loved…

Yeah, he’s just a lovey dovey guy…

Not quite as bad and making sweet love to the Chinese spy Fang Fang.


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Photos of their dates kept on servers run by the Awan brothers.

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Swallwell is an especially stupid public figure.

Right up there with Anthony Weiner and Marion Berry.

Blumenthal can be merely called inept and a Commie.

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His traitorous member couldn’t get him in trouble because he’s a perfect fit for the DNC.

Hanging out with Commies won’t get Blumenthal in trouble because they’ve all exposed themselves.

And no Weiner can get a Clinton in trouble.

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I’d probably go too if they had an open bar :wink:

Blumenthal is a sack of dog ■■■■ that lied about serving in Vietnam. His stolen valor reputation puts him the cork soaker category. ■■■■ him.

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Would be funny to hear the outrage if it was a republican as guest of honor at a fascism event. Until Communism and Fascism is placed on the same evil pedestal I am afraid the left will keep going left.


We have Feinstein with her Chinese driver campaign assistant spy, Blumenthaal with his Chinese investments and Communism promoting speeches, Swalwell with his Chinese spy consort, and Biden with his family managing CCP investment funds. And all these talking heads saying they can’t understand why Democrat are enacting and pushing policies that wound and cripple America. How dumb can people be and still breathe. When every Democrat policy weakens America and/or strengthens China it’s pretty obvious whose interests the Democrats are serving.


Then there’s ChiCom money to the Clintons and friends going back decades, even before Clinton was President by some accounts.

Yeah, poor guy getting spit on and everything after he came back from Vietnam….


Yeah…and he was such a brave guy too…

Did he get 3 purple hearts like Kerry?

2 Red Stars