See what left-wing rhetoric

How? Because you personally verified all the votes? Or because they told you that it wasn’t?


Twilight Zone.

Your new dear leader promotes truth over facts. :woman_shrugging:

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If isn’t about getting things done it’s about the virtue of signing up.

Want to fix global warming exterminate everyone in China and India. Obviously jk, but anyone looking sees this is the area of the world were the vast majority of emissions are coming from. The west has mostly gotten its emissions down the Far East are frying the planet, one can’t just ignore the elephant that is the Far East and coal.

Taking away a pipe line while China fires up three new coal plants a week is like treating a compound fracture with salve.


Heck, China doesn’t even have to begin to reduce their increase in CO2 emissions until something like 2040 under that agreement, let alone reduce the amount they are emitting now.

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Especially when he is always wrong.


They told him…and he no doubt refused to watch the state hearings into it.

They’re building coal plants while the left applauds.


Them were ChiComCoals … so all is good with them,

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Well, I sort of agree with that. But it’s not a bad thing to stay in the conversation.
I’m of two minds regarding climate change. Yes, I think it is real, anthropogenic, and dangerous. It is not, however, an extinction event.

Moreover, nothing significant will be done because people will not swallow the sacrifice that it might take to reduce carbon emissions. In my opinion, all of the hydrocarbons that can be economically burned will be burned. When the cost/energy of extraction equals the energy of combustion then it will be game over. Not going to predict when that will happen.

No matter how you cut it, the supply of oil, coal, and natural gas are finite. You have one glass of beer, and there are so many sips. So, much of our energy is in the form of “drawdown,” that is–we had no part in producing–just extracting.

And the drawdown is happening on many other fronts. Maybe the biggest is topsoil. The supply of world-wide fresh water can be solved, but not on our present trajectory. And the list goes on.

Climate change, meh. Small potatoes compared to the rest.

Quite a few more pressing problems than climate change, world hunger, access to clean drinking water and basic medicine spring to mind. All of those could be solved for a fraction of the cost of addressing climate change. Some people have no idea what or how to prioritize.


Well, let me elaborate. Why is world hunger a problem? Why is hunger in the United Sates a problem? Why is the availability of fresh water a problem? Why is the drawdown of rare earth elements a problem? Why is the drawdown of fossil fuels a problem? Why is the destruction of topsoil a problem? Why is the continued pollution of the oceans a problem? Why is the industrial production of of beef and poultry a problem? Why are processed foods a problem? Why is high fructose corn syrup a problem? Why is obesity the biggest health problem? And the list goes on. How are these easily fixed. But why are they problems?

Well, destroying western economies with lockdowns to slow the rate of western deaths is creating a hunger crisis in the third world as they can’t export their produce to the developed nations.

It has always changed and it always will. To assume that it can be controlled is the epitome of arrogance. How about recognizing change is inevitable and adapting, rather than fight?

Well, who’s palms would be greased if problems were solved?


Yeah but we only have 11 more years not to save the planet, ask the squad & Algore!

Hmmm. :thinking:

I thought it was eleven years ago.

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Manhatten should have been under water by now according to Al (Spotted Owl) Gore.

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I’ll personally take a glass of water and dump it on the street if it will help the epicenter of Damn Yankeedom to disappear.

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Lockdowns have nothing to do with the questions I asked.

The Epicenter of Yankeedom is in Cambridge, MA.