Sean Hannity interviewing Presiden Trump before MAGA rally in Vegas

The President is speaking now.

The Live feed Missouri Rally feed has it live.

She’s guillty as sin, and the fact that the corrupt DoJ won’t put her in an orange jump suit, but is spending millions to prove absolutely nothing against Trump is just motivating Trumps base and the Conservatives.

Keep up the good work.

Can’t stop laughing at the goobers. Thanks for the chuckles!

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No, we’re serious.

Opinions are like backsides, everybody has one and everybody thinks everyone elses stinks.

Laugh all you want, while you make more.

The Republicans have been running the DoJ for about 20 months.

I don’t think you are hateful just not well adjusted. Be it pizzagate or the adoration of Trump it is not displaying a balanced mind.

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So…you have evidence to convict her…present it to the authorities.

Guilt of crimes are based on facts, not opinions.


Somebody is about 27 steps behind Hannity.


That one went over your head.

I was replying to Candyman’s post comment: “Nobody with any sense of integrity could possibly vote for Hillary.”

You can hone that conviction canard until it shaves fuzz off a peach, but it isn’t a panacea.

Exactly which Republican has been running the DOJ for the last 20 months?

The President of the United States Donald J Trump

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In my dreams.