SCOTUS Bias Question

If only we had politicians and judges who, down the line, had identical opinions about the constitution and laws. And a dictatorship of the people to safeguard that. It would be utopia.

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Stop that! :slightly_smiling_face:

Then you don’t understand the Bill of Rights or what a republic is.


Oh, but I do. Both.

Obviously not, but I’d love to hear it. If you really do, you can do it with one word

its-a-trap-trap (1)


Won’t engage, just titter behind your hand. How convenient.

Roberts is the worst off all of them. At least the others do have some core of belief or philosophy, Roberts is all politician. A reed.

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Im stil curious as to where Clarence Thomas’ statement is inconsistent with the constitution.

Please advise.


Roberts has a core belief.

Some people are logic based some are emotion based. Some are just dishonest. People are different. The biggest check on govt that the founders wanted was it’s small size and limited scope. Because people are not angels. If people were angels you would not need govt.