Scientific misinformation

Man, if they can’t explain the mechanism, then no one has the superior opinion. They’re just practicing medicine like always. Understandably, people are skeptical of that.

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I don’t think impossible is the right word here. Unknown is correct.

It’s like ice. If you look at water chemically you would assume it would sink when it freezes. But it doesn’t. It floats.

Makes no sense but but it does. You might say it’s chemically impossible but clearly you would be wrong.

Same with Thalidomide.

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Umm, we understand exactly why ice floats, because it is less dense than water and that is because of the negatively charged oxygen atoms repelling each other.

mRNA vaccines have been studied for decades in both virus and cancer studies with no long term side effects. Thalidomide was put on the market with far less knowledge about how it actually worked in the body.

Thalidomide was rushed through its safety trials in Canada and the UK, so the warning signs were there.

Fortunately for the US, they had an astute reviewer who also was new to the job so she didn’t have a huge backlog of work to get through (FDA practices were less rigorous in those days and a lot of reviewers were part timers that tended to get swamped…also there was a rule that if a drug didn’t get ruled on within 60 days, it automatically went to market). Frances Kelsey noted that the safety trials for thalidomide were woefully incomplete and therefore saved a generation of US women from having malformed babies.

Now one will say “but these vaccines were rushed and haven’t had a lot of safety studies done, either”.

They would be wrong. Although the COVID vaccines were the first ever approved for use in humans (yes I know under EUA), we’ve been testing mRNA vaccines in humans ever since the first SARS outbreak in 2003.

So there’s a good deal of data behind their safety.

And while they don’t know precisely why the vaccine provides a stronger and longer lasting immune response than just getting infected does, that doesn’t mean they don’t understand how mRNA vaccines work, and how after coding for the spike proteins, the mRNA is degraded and will not then go on and do any “genetic recoding” or cell damage.

Most of the side effects are side effects one would get if one was infected with COVID anyway. The next most common issue is the lipids in which the mRNA vaccines are encased. Some people have an allergic reaction to them and therefore can’t get the vaccine.


Oh, I understand you here. We don’t understand a detail of the mechanism (duration) but we understand the mechanism. I should have been more precise.

i can’t help your complete ignorance

nope. time is a variable.

and time is a variable.

What did he know.? When did he know it?

Do not waste a crisis.

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We are all ■■■■■■■

Ok why does ■■■■ float?

Which they controlled for.

Oh and in their summary paragraph as part of the limitations that every good study always includes, they mentioned that since it’s a retrospective study, the results cannot be used to infer causation and that further prospective studies to back up their conclusions are warranted.

Says so right in the study.

So, the study is inconclusive, meaningless, vain?

I wonder if I can follow liberal rationality the next time I fly? Now I understand why John “F” Kerry removes his mask on airplanes. He is ■■■■■■■ “sophisticated.”

Obamanation’s Martha’s Vineyard birthday bash was maskless. According to liberal media hack, New York Times White House Correspondent Annie Karni, during the birthday bash (where Obamanation and his partiers were seen not wearing a mask), they were a “sophisticated” crowd, and, guests were “following all the safety precautions.”

I am a sophisticated person and follow safety precautions, why should I wear a mask on airplanes? In addition, when I return from international visits, why should I have to get a covid test before returning to the USA. After all I am fully vaccinated and have my covid vaccine card. And I am a sophisticated America citizen returning home.

I would like to was the liberalism BS flag and use the liberalism mentality sophisticated crowd defense. Will it work?

no they did not. they looked at a specific time period when they knew anyone vaccinated regardless of past infection would have active antibodies and compared it to a group they knew would not.

its propaganda garbage

the real question is how sick are they getting comparitively, and what is the mortality

memory cells are the key.

given the time variables, any fool could have written the conclusion without even looking at the data. its pure pro vax propaganda and nothing more

Anesthesia comes to mind.

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