School Choice For Our Children

Kind of hard to draw the line at one thing as a couple of the issues are interconnected. The lack of two parents in the home leads to a lack of parental involvement, primarily as the one parent is focused on earning money to make ends meet. Low socio-economic status is another, as parents who are constantly struggling to make ends meet don’t have time to worry about homework, or student performance in school. The constant concern over survival has been show to have the effect of lowering a person’s IQ due to the constant stress, and poor choices become commonplace, further exacerbating the problem (such as buying electronics or the in sneakers over book, leading to children being raised in a text poor, conversation starved environment).

If taxpayer dollars are diverted to private schools, they are no longer private schools and thus subject to the strings attached with all public monies. No discrimination being at the top of the list and they would have to accept all students. It’s a paradox with no solution that would be acceptable to the private schools. It’s unworkable.

I don’t disagree, it’s not my responsibility to educate your kids.

I do get to direct my tax dollars - to the public school.

People who don’t have kids shouldn’t have to pay school taxes.

Collective effort isn’t.

I don’t disagree about the military. Bloated, unfocused. The military budget should be cut in half.

I don’t benefit from paying to educate your kids.

Of course you do. You might hire them some day. And the fact that they are educated means you won’t have to spend company money to teach them how to read.

That’s just one simple example.

I knew you wouldn’t pay close attention.

No I don’t by paying for it. if reading is a requirement for the job, they’ll be able to read when they walk in to interview.

I didn’t learn to read in school.

I can always hire those private school kids whose parents paid double.

Wow, talk about doom and gloom.
Right after college I taught high school. My Mom and Aunt were elementary school teachers. And my Dad was a university Dean. So I have a pretty good background in multiple levels of education. Some of what you describe would not be possible. There are standards for safety and comfort for schools in every state.
If a parent does not like the curriculum they can voice it to the school board and board of education. The bully situation was not prevalent when I was teaching. But I am sure that all school administrations are pretty well versed on what a parent can do. And regarding sick days. I would expect that any good parent would take such a sick child to a doctor. And a doctor can prescribe when a child can return to school. As such, the school does not loose the daily funding from the state.

There won’t be enough of them for the size of the US work force.

There would be plenty enough for Sneaky to hire.

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not if you hire them all first.

There’s quite a lot of private school grads.

“A lot” is a subjective term.

The number of enrolled private school students is about 10% of US Student population.

Going back to the original statement “There won’t be enough of them for the size of the US work force.” This would be true.

Would that it were doom and gloom. Try looking up Allston Mass schools, or those in the Chicago area, or even East Lansing Mich. Standards are only as good as the depth of the pockets. Schools that report assaults get dinged so they are unlikely to report violent behavior and as we saw in Marjory Stoneham, there are programs designed to force schools to essentially allow students who have behavior issues to stay in school. As for missed school days, if you have a child who is sick, throwing up, the parent cannot make the judgement call to keep their child home any longer. In Missouri, a parent must have a doctor examine a child to keep a child home, without that the absence is unexcused. After 3 unexcused absences, the child is charged with truancy and DHS is notified that the parents are negligent. The family must then meet with the school and the DHS agent, sometimes the issue is referred to the court system. I too thought this was malarky until I researched it further and was shocked at what I found. Teachers and administrations are also under tremendous pressure and this is why.

Everyone benefits from having an educated populace. We as a people have seen fit that everyone should have skin in the game and help pay for it.

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not nearly enough for the american world force,

private schools enroll 10% of the k-12 US population.

We were talking about enough for sneaky to start with. Tnt shifted the goal posts and started talking about the US work force.

Sorry not chasing down that rabbit hole.

No different than property, really.

Get your government out of the way and let’s find out.

I don’t benefit from paying to educate your kids.

We don’t have an educated populace.

How so?